Faculty of Education | Methods of Teaching


Department Methods of Teaching

The Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods was established in the year 1991 and it was entrusted with the teaching of educational courses related with the way of preparing the teacher in addition to field training of students at schools. At the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 2003/2004 the Department was given a new name "The Department of Teaching Methods"... More..

Course Description آخر تحديث 3/15/2025 9:55:10 AM


EDUC1211 Principles of Psychology (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course gives a brief picture of the history of psychology, its goals,its importance,its field, and research methods used in it.Moreover,it introduces a brief overview of the most important schools of psychology, motivations and emotions, trends, values and interests and cognitive processes( sense and perception, thinking and memory, and attention).The course deals with the learning and its importance.Finally, it focuses on the personality ,the cognitive side of the personality and the intelligence.
ISLM1201 Holy Quran (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to protect the book of God from distortion in fulfillment of His saying: (Indeed, We have sent down the remembrance, and we will preserve it). Memorizing some surahs of the Noble Qur’an.
PHYS1225 Sciences in our life (2ساعة معتمدة)
(mechanics - properties of matter - heat - sound - light - electricity - modern physics - medical physics...) and presents them in a simple presentation with a focus on daily life observations and some natural phenomena. The course also exposes some of the familiar ideas, inventions and devices that It influenced people's lives and interpreted them from a physical perspective without being exposed to the complexities of laws and derivations known in the study of physics
SPOR1201 Culture in Sports Sciences (2ساعة معتمدة)
- The course aims to learn about the concept of sport and fitness Scientific foundations of warm-up. moderate and moderate strength. Basic principles for the acquisition of health and physical activity. Diseases of immobility and fitness. Ingredients for food and sports nutrition. Steroids, supplements and the negative effects of drugs and smoking on human health.
ENGL1328 Grammar (2) (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course focuses on major grammar points that the students need namely, using reflexive and emphatic pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, phrasal verbs, countable and uncountable nouns, determiners and quantifiers, prepositions, inversion, the subjunctive mode , and subject verb agreement.
EDUC1220 Principles of Education (2ساعة معتمدة)
It is a compulsory university requisite for students in the pedagogical disciplines. The course contains eight chapters focusing on basic subjects in education; the definition of education, its importance, characteristics and institutions, as well as its philosophical origins and development throughout history with talking about the teacher and the ethics of the profession, explaining the relationship of education to culture, social upbringing and development, as well as Islamic education and its scholars
ENGL1326 Listening and Speaking 2 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces the students to the most important concepts, question types and skills necessary to sit for TOEFL and IELTS speaking and listening tests. That includes 27 TOEFL question types and 11 IELS questions types for listening. It also allows students the space to practice speaking in a test-like atmosphere using speaking sub-skills. By the end of this course, students are expected to answer listening and speaking questions of TOEFL and IELTS correctly: answer 27 TOEFL question type correctly, answer 11 IELTS question type correctly, respond to speaking tasks with accuracy, fluency, and a high level of self-confidence.
ENGL1325 Reading 2 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This is the second course focuses on developing the reading skills of the junior students at Al-Aqsa University. It is an extension to Reading 1, in which the students studied how to improve their reading skills from understanding the topic to making predictions. Therefore, ensuing from Reading 1 and building on it, this course aims at further enhancing the students' reading abilities in the skills of comprehension, analyzing, synthesizing, and extracting text messages as well as evaluating the writer's point of view besides inference, judging the text quality and validity. This course focuses primarily on developing the students' higher cognitive skills of reading, which are necessary mental capabilities the students need in order to successfully develop and hone their core skills of reading competency. In order for our students to read, write, think, analyze, understand, remember, and solve problems in an effective manner; all such cognitive skills appear together in this course so as to function properly.
ENGL1318 Grammar (1) (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course helps students develop an understanding of the basic grammar concepts that govern the structures of academic English. It fosters the students’ competence of using the English verb tense system. The course covers a range of grammatical matters as it provides the students with the knowledge and skills needed for accurate usage of the modal verbs, conditionals, passive voice, questions, reported speech , and the English article system. The students are expected to take part in sessions in an active manner through guided and constructive discussions and exercises.
ARTE1202 Palestinian folklore (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course explores the roots of Palestinian folk arts and identifies their main centers in Palestine. It also gives the students an overview of the essential Palestinian folk industries such as pottery, ceramics, glass, textile, straw and bamboo, metal works, and Palestinian folk embroidery.
ENGL1316 Listening and Speaking 1 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces the students to essential concepts and skills required for developing their listening and speaking skills. The listening part of the course introduces methods to help students predict content, listening for gist, detecting signposts, inferring meaning, listening in detail, know how to decipher weak syllables in rapid speech, make sense of intonational contours and stress. As for the speaking part, it tackles issues related to fluency, accuracy, coherence, employing synonyms, using stress contrastively, and strategies to counter speaking anxiety. By the end of the course, students are expected to listen and speak using English language competently and appropriately.
ENGL1315 Reading 1 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This introductory course helps students master the foundational reading skills of word recognition, vocabulary, text development, and basic comprehension. The students are trained to master essential reading techniques and strategies that set them up for success as critical thinkers. They are expected to acquire the basic skills of understanding the topic, distinguishing between the main idea and the supporting details, scanning, skimming, previewing headings, scanning tables, making predictions distinguishing between fact and opinion. Efficiency is gained by learning to vary rate and comprehension depending upon identifying the purposes, audience, and tone of each text. Their reading competence is further developed by reading a number of authentic and academic texts
RATV1200 Media & Society (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course provides a degree of knowledge of the development of radio, television, journalism, cinema and new media globally, Arab and Palestinian, and knowledge of the political, social and commercial dimensions of social networks, and the course aims to clarify the extent of the impact of the media on society and to identify the role of the media in society and its importance in its formation, and provide students with the basic skills of media education, and the skills of critical thinking of media content, and also aims to clarify the positive and negative effects of the media, conflict and integration between the new media The course seeks to keep abreast of local, national or global developments, and is studied in all its aspects and put forward for discussion with students and follow-up on what is presented on the subject, taking into account several considerations, the most important of which is the novelty of the subject and its importance for students of different disciplines as well as their relationship with society
HIST1201 The Palestinian Case (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with the Palestinian cause from its early beginnings with the direction of the French campaign to the east and the struggle with Britain to protect its colonial interests, passing through the Ottoman historical era, the period of organizations and the constitution and the corresponding Zionist activity in Europe, and how the First World War affected Palestine and its fall under occupation and then the British Mandate. The role of the mandate in establishing the national home and the Jewish state in Palestine.
ARAB1206 Arabic 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
- Introduce to students the most characteristics of Arabic and advantages. - Insert the membership of Arabic through learning about the most important challenges. - Rise student's presentation of Arabic expression and methods in writing. - Improve student's skills in tasting, understanding and analyzing Arabic poetry in the past and modern. - Learn to students about the story's art, essay, elements and characteristics. - Enrich student's abilities to control their linguistic uses through the applied recruitment of syntactical rules. - Enrich students' abilities to control the writing through the applied recruitment of spelling rules and punctuation.
ENGL2376 Advanced Reading (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course is intended to develop the students' advanced reading comprehension skills and their vocabulary acquisition. Topics in question include defining the main idea, supporting details, scanning and skimming for specific information, and getting meaning from context. Furthermore, this course enhances the students’ abilities of inferences, determining author’s purpose, distinguishing between fact and opinion, identifying patterns of organization in a paragraph, and recognizing the relationship between sentences.
ENGL2346 Grammar 3 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This advanced course deals with deep grammar and structure points such as complex and compound sentences, nominal clauses, adverbial clauses, adjectival and appositive clauses, sentential, parenthetical, reporting clauses, clause coordinators, and sentence connectors.
ENGL2339 An Introduction to Language (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces the students to basic concepts of linguistics namely animals and human language, phonetics, phonology, morphology, grammar, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, language and the brain, first language acquisition, second language acquisition, language history and change, regional variation and language, social variation in language and language and culture.
ENGL2333 An Introduction to Literature (3ساعة معتمدة)
This foundational course familiarizes the students with English Literature in its various genres. It helps them decipher the differences between prose and fiction, together with their influence on language and cultural development. Poetry and short fiction drawn from western and non-western literary traditions provide students with opportunities for an intensive practice of the strategies involved in close reading. The emphasis of this course falls on developing the students' personal sensibilities and their capacity to register the subtleties of feeling and complexities of thought inherent in the literary use of language. The texts studied include selections from the works of a range of major figures in the novel, short story, poetry and literary essays. Besides, the course gives a concise but comprehensive information about the structure of plays, novels and short stories. Figures of speech and prosody constitute a major part of the course.
ENGL2327 Writing 2 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims at acquainting students with the techniques of writing different types of essays as expository, narrative, comparative, cause and effect, argumentative ones. Students should be given ample practice in writing various types of essays. They are guided to use grammar, punctuation, and writing mechanics accurately. Furthermore, this course prepares students to develop their competence and performance in academic English writing.
ENGL2317 Writing 1 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims at providing students with the basics of writing skills. It focuses on using punctuation marks correctly and writing various types of sentences such as simple, compound, and complex. This course also concentrates on writing types of paragraphs such as descriptive, contrastive, process, opinion, and problem-solution paragraphs. In this course, students practice writing topic, supporting, and concluding sentences. It teaches students to organize the paragraph coherently, use vocabulary appropriately, and practice grammatical rules and transitional words correctly. In addition, students are given ample opportunities to practice and gain confidence in English writing skills.
ENGL2348 Phonetics and Phonology (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces students to the study of phonetics and the technical terms required for describing sounds. It provides students with the basic notions of phonetic transcription and set of symbols for transcribing English and Arabic sounds with special focus on vowel and consonant sounds as well as stress syllable. In this course, the students are exposed to a variety of pronunciations; namely American, British, and Australian ones. In addition, the students are given ample opportunities to practice different English pronunciations and acquire the practical ability to differentiate among sounds and identify common pronunciation problems.
EDUC2266 E-learning and its applications (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the following topics: concepts and theories related to e-learning, types and environments of e-learning, stages of design in e-learning, organizational and executive rules for e-learning, and the role of administration, students and teachers in e-learning and their skills. The course also provides students with the necessary skills to deal with e-learning tools and programs. The course seeks to provide students with positive attitudes towards e-learning and its applications in teaching, as well as looking comprehensively in terms of e-learning in institutions in general, theoretical and practical application of a group of famous applications in e-learning such as Moodle and Classroom and some webinar programs such as Zoom and Meet.
JOUR1200 Digital media and content creation (2ساعة معتمدة)
In this course, the student is introduced to the basic concepts of media and communication, their types, functions, characteristics and different features and the difference between each of them, in addition to identifying the concepts of digital media, its means, functions, and communication characteristics, specifically those related to the effects of the Internet and the developments of communication technology, as well as It is devoted to social networks and their types, roles, and various functions, and society members manufacture media content as part of their active participation in the Internet environment, as well as critiquing this content, and identifying digital privacy and digital security challenges, and finally the course presents the ethics of digital media.
BIOL1201 LIFE AND NATURE (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course touches upon the study of energy flow in the biological system, the composition of the living matter, and the role of plants in the biological system. Furthermore, it helps in recognizing life through studying aspects of life and behaviors of some living organisms, besides studying the human body structure and its ability to maintain the body homeostasis.
TECH1222 General Safety (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to provide students with knowledge and special trends of professional security and safety provisions in general, and in school in particular, which makes students take preventive action in work or in the place of their presence to avoid the risk of different exposure, how to get first aid for themselves and others in case of injury .This course consists of the following topics: the definition and development of professional safety , recognizing some definitions of professional safety, accidents and the main rules to avoid it , and reducing it ,the right rules of safety treatment with handicraft tools, safety at educational facilities, first aid and ways to give aid for some injuries, reasons of fires and how putting it out , emergencies in wars of various kinds, security and home safety.
SOCI1204 Palestinian society problems (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is one of the university's elective requirements, which aims primarily to study social problems in Palestinian society as one of the phenomena that most affect the stability and development of society. It deals with the patterns of social problems in the Palestinian society, their dimensions, the influencing factors, and the mechanisms for confronting them, discussing the family and educational problems, the problems of women and children, the problems of juvenile delinquency, the problems of youth, the problems of crime and delinquency, the economic problems, and the risks of globalization on the Palestinian family and society
GEOG1202 Geography of Palestine (2ساعة معتمدة)
The student is expected to be familiar with the following topics: Study the location, position, geological formations, topography, and climate. Study of water resources, natural plants, and soil types for Palestine. In addition to studying the economic activity of the population. Study of population growth in Palestine in addition to the geographical reality of the city of Jerusalem
ENGL1207 English 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This is a preliminary course that mainly focuses on general English language social skills. It introduces the students to the different language skills in an integral manner. The course is based on a strong lexical component where the students are expected to read for comprehension. This course enables them to acquire new vocabulary, develop grammar knowledge and develop the language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing. An integrated approach is applied throughout this course for students to acquire both fluency and accuracy by using basic reading techniques such as scanning, skimming, taking notes while listening; writing formal and informal letters, filling in forms, and describing people and places.
EDUC1202 Century Skills (21) (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the following topics: Students acquire the ability to practice contemporary life skills that help them adapt to society and its development. These skills include: all kinds of thinking skills, communication skills, digital mastery skills, information and media skills, and digital culture skills.
EDUC2216E Special Teaching Strategies1 (English) (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course covers the following terms: important concepts and terms used in teaching English as a foreign language, theories used in teaching and learning English as a foreign language, teaching words in English as a foreign language, behavioral objectives for English language lessons, teaching pronunciation in English as a foreign language, and teaching grammar in English as a foreign language.
EDUC2213 Teaching Techningues (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course includes: communication, its concept, and its obstacles, the role of learning techniques in the communication process.In addition, the course deals with the concept of educational techniques, their importance, rules for their use, their classifications, the basis for their selection, the means of educational technologies not shown in light and applied activities to employ educational techniques in various curricula.
PSYC2230 Developmental Psychology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with the concept of developmental psychology, its fields and importance, the factors affecting it and its principles, the different stages of development (the stage before birth, the cradle stage, early childhood, late childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age), scientific research methods in developmental psychology, and the laws The general growth demands, the demands of growth at each stage and their repercussions in organizing their education, the most important problems of growth in each stage, the role of the family and the school in facing them, the ability to overcome these problems, and the students' awareness of themselves according to the characteristics of each stag.
EDUC3216 Fundamentals of Educational Research (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the following terms: the concept of research, its nature, the concept of educational research, its importance, types, levels, approaches to educational research, tools of information collection in educational research and thinking skills that the educational researcher must master.it also defines the criteria for choosing the subject of research, the scientific nature of educational research, the stages of achieving educational research and the methods of writing educational research (booklet) , Cards and some important issues related to educational research such as: duration, number of pages, supervisor, individual work, team work, exploration and documentation, and an overview of the educational research plan
ENGL3211 Translation and Technology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is destined to help student develop their skills of using computer efficiently in translation. It qualifies students to become well prepared as a prospective professional translators who are able to utilize resources and tools effectively. These include CAT and terminology management tools. The course develops students’ knowledge and practical skills that are related to translation as a profession. It also assists students to pursue their careers in translation and technology.
ENGL3226 Vocabulary (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course focuses on giving students intensive instruction and practice in English vocabulary as well as forming words to help them study on their own. It provides students with training on how to use different varieties of English, look up words in dictionaries, keep a vocabulary notebook, use new idioms, and improve their knowledge of collocations. By the end of the course, students will be acquainted with knowledge of basic vocabulary related to essential topics like: family words, body parts, furniture, clothes, health, feelings, countries, languages, education, weather, travel, law, and order.
EDUC3240 Teaching skills (2ساعة معتمدة)
Teaching skills -The course deals with the following topics: Acquisition of a professional activity that is accomplished through major processes (planning, execution, evaluation) - Developing the course content continuously in the light of modern trends and contemporary technical methods revealed by the research results - Course vocabulary: educational terms (pedagogy - dialectics - system Tibak - teaching - teaching - learning strategy) behavioral goals - planning - teaching skills - teaching methods - means - activities - class questions - types of evaluation.
EDUC3213 Measurement & Evaluation (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to provide students with skills and abilities that enable them to formulate the objectives of a unit of study or a specific subject,to make a lesson plan and to use vocabularies that measure the goels, as well as to analyze and interpret these results.The course provides students with information on achievement tests .
EDUC3229 Practicum 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course focuses on the concept of practical education and its importance, and to identify the role of all those concerned with practical education: student, teacher, educational supervisor, teacher cooperating teacher school, and to identify the problems that may be faced by teachers teachers during the field training, student teachers to see the teaching situations and illustrated multiple models To illustrate and evaluate lessons, train students on basic teaching skills: teaching planning, ask questions Identify appropriate activities and actions to achieve goals, reinforcement, use techniques, classroom interaction, classroom management, assessment, and teacher training The actual peer through their representation of teaching positions, as well as their training on self-evaluation, peer evaluation.-
EDUC3226 Educational Psychology (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course covers the latest scientific trends related to the learning process, the components of the educational situation and the effects in it.In addition, it introduces the conditions of learning, cognitive processes,the transmission of learning impact, and the theories of behavioral and cognitive learning and their educational applications.
EDUC3216E Special Teaching Strategies2 (English) (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course explores the four skills of English language : listening, speaking, writing and reading skills of English as a foreign language. It aslo qualify students to set a lesson plan for teaching the four skills of English language. Moreover, it interoduces the tools of evaluations and assesment of the four English language skills.
EDUC3239 Education Profession Ethics (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with the teaching environment, whether related to the field of pure knowledge (learning to know), the field of existence (learning to be), the field of work (learning to do), or the field of being with the other (learning to be with the other)
EDUC3227 Teaching Thinking (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course covered the following vocabulary: the concept of thinking, its importance, objectives, postulates, levels of thinking, types of thinking, factors influencing its acquisition, obstacles to thinking processes, some theories that dealt with the emergence of thinking, some theories that adopted the mechanisms of building the mind, methods of teaching thinking, global classifications For the structure of the mind, methods and approaches to motivate students to experiment and innovate, some study materials through which creativity and innovation can be developed, proposals and procedures that make the classroom and school environment a structure that is oriented and influential in thinking processes.
EDUC3228 Education and Issues of the Palestinian Community (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is a compulsory requirement for the students of the primary education major. The course focuses on the subjects of education and issues of Palestinian society contains eight chapters dealing with eight issues of concern to the Palestinian society, namely globalization, development, poverty, unemployment, national identity, human rights, the migration of Palestinian competencies, democracy and Palestinian women
ARAB1217 Palestinian Literature (2ساعة معتمدة)
1- Learn about the historical dimension, relationship to the contents of Palestinian literature, and political, social and cultural reality in Palestine. 2- Study the impact of Palestinian reality on literature, and keep up with the situation in various stages. 3- Familiarity with the most prominent figures of Palestinian literature in poetry and prose, some of their works, and the impact of these works on the reality. 4- Identify the difficulties and obstacles faced the researchers in Palestinian literature, especially in the early stages of his history. 5- Identify the most prominent researchers and pioneers in Palestinian literature, their history, and their role in bringing it into existence. 6- It includes many artistic and objective issues in literary types, and multiple trends in analysis and criticism with clarifying its development stages and the most prominent figures and characteristics.
PSYC1200 Psychology and Life (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the concept of psychology, life, and mental health and the importance of each of them for the individual and society. It also introduces the concept of positive thinking as a way of life, knowing the positive personality traits and distortions of thinking and ways to treat them. The course also deals with identifying some life and social skills such as social taste, such as communication, communication and speech, and constructive dialogue. Problem-solving, decision-making, self-management, knowledge of the causes and types of pressures of contemporary life, and methods for confronting them. The course also addresses the most important problems of youth such as unemployment and free time, migration, psychological alienation, and methods of confronting them. The course also deals with family harmony and knowledge of the foundations for choosing marriage in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The course also deals with the challenges of the digital age, and knowledge and treatment of some problems in the digital age such as electronic blackmail, electronic games, electronic addiction and electronic bullying.
BUSA1200 Leadership & Entrepreneurship Skills (2ساعة معتمدة)
Leadership and Entrepreneurship Skills is a course aimed at developing students' knowledge and skills in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship. This course focuses on enhancing their abilities in team leadership, effective decision-making, and promoting innovation and creativity in a business context. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to various theories and models of leadership, gaining insights into different leadership styles and approaches. They will learn about the qualities and characteristics of successful leaders and how to apply them in real work scenarios. Additionally, the course will cover topics such as communication skills, conflict resolution, and motivation techniques, all of which are essential for effective leadership. The entrepreneurship component of the course includes introducing students to the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship and the process of business creation and management. They will learn about opportunity discovery, market analysis, business planning, and resource management. The course also emphasizes the development of an entrepreneurial mindset, encouraging students to think critically, take calculated risks, and identify opportunities for innovation and growth. Throughout the course, students will engage in practical exercises, case studies, and group discussions to apply their learning to real work scenarios. They will also have the opportunity to interact with successful entrepreneurs and industry professionals through guest lectures and networking events.
ITNM1200 Cyberspace and information security (2ساعة معتمدة)
It is a university course that focuses on studying the concepts and challenges of digital security and information security in the electronic environment. The course aims to raise awareness among students about the importance of protecting digital information and data from electronic threats, such as hacking, cyber-attacks, electronic fraud, viruses, and others. It covers the study of encryption methods and tools used to secure information, networks, and digital systems. The course also revolves around digital protection laws, regulations, and ethics related to safe technology and internet use. Its objective is to equip students with the necessary skills to protect personal, sensitive, and institutional information and to handle security in the advanced digital world. This course is fundamental in the field of information security and benefits students interested in technology security and safeguarding digital privacy.
ISLM1202 Biography of the Prophet mohammed (2ساعة معتمدة)
At the end of the course the student is able to: Identify the Prophet's biography from birth until his death. Identify the most important invasions that occurred in the age of the Prophet (PBUH). The student should recognize the difficulties and risks faced by the Prophet in inviting him to God Almighty.
ENGL3318 English for Specific Purposes (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims at introducing students to English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The course will tackle the students’ acquaintance with the nature and concept of ESP, the differences between ESP and general English, the domains of ESP, needs analysis, the analysis of language for ESP, and the learning-centered approach. In addition, subjects such as course design for ESP, materials for ESP, evaluation and testing in ESP, and the role of ESP teacher will be highlighted.
ENGL2245 Translation 2 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course focuses on a combination of academic and vocational training in translation. Certain translation problems are to be handled such as newly-coined concepts and vocabulary that are used frequently in the media as well as in different fields. Treating the structural mechanisms and stylistic aspects forms a primary concern in the course, together with translation strategies needed to enable students to address the texts theoretically and practically.
ENGL3344 Short Story (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course explores British and American literature through short stories reflecting their culture. It examines how short story as a literary form reflects historical, social and cultural values that shape ideas of how people are today. It represents diverse visions of British and American identity and experiences which encourage students to develop new methods of thinking and critique. Special attention is given to issues such as capitalism, colonialism, decolonization, non-violence movement globalization, slavery and racism. Works of British and American writers are selected; such as George Orwell, Ernest Hemingway, and Stephen Crane.
ENGL3369 Literary Criticism (3ساعة معتمدة)
The primary concern of this course is examining some of the ideological and systematic assumptions of literary scholarship by articulating some fundamental questions and attempting to answer them: What is literature? What is an author, and how his " intention " recognized? How are distinctions made between genres? What is the nature of the reality described by "realistic" fiction? What are the factors, which distinguish fiction from non-fiction? Through examining various approaches to texts and their engagement with such questions, the course provides a framework for analyzing the relations between criticism and its object of study, and between criticism and its own theorization. The concept of "the literary" is broadly construed, incorporating cultural phenomena as diverse as film and television, video clips and popular songs. The concept of "ideology" and the way it manifests itself in terms of race, class and gender is discussed thoroughly as well.
ENGL3371 Classic and Victorian Novel (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course discusses themes in modern English novel. It tackles topics such as literary modernism, realism, and post-modernism. The selected materials are chosen to reflect the modern characteristics of the novel, viewed in terms of political, social, economic, cultural, and linguistic differences. This course acquaints students with the features of modern and contemporary novel in order to understand the literary genre and its development in a comparative analytical way. The students study two novels among the writings of novelists such as, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Joseph Conrad, and George Orwell. By the end of the course, students are expected to demonstrate capacity for close critical reading of selected novels.
ENGL2231 Translation 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces to students both theories and practices of translation studies. It trains students to translate various Arabic and English texts, starting with the notion of equivalence at word level, moving on to cover translating above word level, and examining grammatical equivalence. Training of translation is substantiated by materials from different fields of knowledge such as humanities, journalism, economics, science, legal discourse, religious texts, and literary texts. The students are expected to take part in the theoretical and practical sessions through guided and constructive discussions, presentations, and exercises to produce accurate translated texts.
ENGL3215 TEFL 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed to develop the students’ knowledge, strategies and practices of teaching English as a foreign language in the Palestinian and international contexts. In this course, students are exposed to various English language teaching techniques. It addresses learners and their differences, students’ motivation, roles and responsibilities of modern language teacher, learning styles and strategies, course evaluation and assessment, and ideal teacher. Furthermore, the course highlights the reasons and strategies to manage the classroom, write effective lesson plans, design good tests, and teach listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
ENGL3315 Semantics (3ساعة معتمدة)
رThis course introduces students to the basic principles of modern linguistic semantics and explains how languages organize and express meaning through words, parts of words, sentences, and discourse. This course aims at spanning the gap between semantic theory and practice by getting students to think for themselves and to develop strong practical skills with confidence and conviction. The course explores a variety of topics like semantic field theory, lexical relations, conditional semantics, thematic role theory, context and inference, speech act theory, situation types, and modality. Emphasis falls on sentence semantics with extensive exercises on thematic roles and situation types. Students are expected to distinguish between semantics, pragmatics, semiotics and other sub-disciplines within the field of semantics.
ENGL3220 Prose (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed to present the development of British literature from the AngloSaxon period to the Eighteenth Century. Students will study works of prose in relation to their historical, linguistic, and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions such as Francis Bacon, Thomas Carlyle, John Henry, John Ruskin, Walter Pater, and Frederic Harrison.
EDUC4218 Basics of educational curricula (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the following topics: information and skills on the concept of the curriculum in the old and recent stages of its development: the old, which focuses on the content and curriculum modern broad concept, and the curriculum as a system with inputs, processes and outputs, as well as the foundations of the construction of the philosophical, psychological, educational, scientific and social as well as elements of the curriculum of the objectives and content and methods of organization, , And finally methods of enriching the curriculum and its development and modernization as a result of the continuous change of dimensions of the curriculum time and place, and the experience of Palestine in the field of curriculum development through the general structure of the Palestinian curriculum.
ISLM1215 Modern Jurisprudence issues (2ساعة معتمدة)
Addresses contemporary problems and issues of jurisprudence that fall within the framework of what is known as the jurisprudence of the home, and the attitude of contemporary jurisprudence thereof, so that the student can develop a contemporary view of the daily life problems and the opinion of Islam therein, such as: insurance, cloning, brain death, organ transfer, milk banks, IVF and other new issues. It aims to: familiarize itself with the provisions of developments in various sections of jurisprudence
NURS1205 Health and Diet (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed to introduce the study of nutrition in health and health care. The students will study the nutrients and their specific functions in the body. They will learn to apply their knowledge and giving nutritional guidance and teaching their clients and their families concerning their diets. They will learn the nutritional management for malnourished patient and appropriate foods for healthy or unhealthy clients gastrointestinal, cardiovascular diseases, and renal problems, also they will learn the alternatives of oral feedings.
EDUC4117E Curricula Analysis (English) (1ساعة معتمدة)
It provides the theoretical and practical information necessary to train students to analyze English language curricula and it tests, using the methods of scientific analysis and appropriate tools in the light of international quality standards in the analysis of school curricula, where the completion file for each student is trained in the analysis of elements of the curriculum, Educational curricula, their fields and levels, technical textbooks, and the content of cognitive, emotional and skill content, as well as analysis of classroom and extracurricular methods and activities, teaching and evaluation methods used, For the teacher, and analyze models of monthly and final in terms of shape and built-in tests valuable light test torus standards
PSYC4212 Mental Health (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with introducing students to mental health, its importance for the individual and society, the theories that explain it, knowledge of the criteria and determinants of mental health, identifying the characteristics of normal personality, basic theories in the interpretation of mental health, the school of psychoanalysis, the behavioral school, knowledge of the classification of diseases and mental disorders, and topics Especially in mental health, such as motives, pressures and methods of coping with them, psychological trauma, anxiety, depression, frustration, compatibility, conflict, defense mechanisms, and identifying the relationship of mental health and education.
ITCS1201 Computer and Internet (2ساعة معتمدة)
A basic course for all university students aimed at providing the student with computer skills, introducing the student to the computer and its uses and its software and physical components, identifying the different areas of computer use, as well as introducing the student to the Internet and benefiting from its various services such as email, research, file preservation and communication. The course also aims to provide the student with the skill of installing and uninstalling a program or application, identifying safe sites for programs, clarifying what computer networks are, dealing with them, and using mobile communications, and providing them with the skill to assess the risks and benefits of telemedicine, using Bluetooth technology, and using the NFC tag, as well as using the phone. Smartphone as a mobile phone hotspot, and add a wireless printer to a network. The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of blue eavesdropping, detect an intruder to access your wireless signal, protect against viruses and malware, protect the smartphone from threats, as well as provide the student with the skills necessary to deal with buying and selling sites, and using payment applications securely, and files Cookies, spyware and learn about privacy laws, as well as learn about cybercrime and cybercriminals.
LAW1232 Law culture & human rights (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims at introducing students to legal culture and its importance, human rights and sources, comparing human rights in Islam and international declarations, their definition of rights and duties in the Palestinian Basic Law, the electoral law in Palestine, the exercise of political rights in Palestinian society, Between the Palestinian Personal Status Law and the CEDAW Agreement, and the recognition of international humanitarian law.
EDUC1203 Education and sustainable development (2ساعة معتمدة)
Distance identification aims at sustainable development (concept, genesis, goals, dimensions) - Investment in education for sustainable human development - Education from the perspective of the objectives of the sustainable development plan - Security, intellectual security and security education - Security education in the face of the dangers of Israeli occupation - Security education in the face of the dangers of psychological warfare (Rumour, propaganda and its means) - Security education in the face of the risks of competing over non-renewable resources - Security education in the face of the risks of marginalization and social exclusion - Security education in the face of the risks of social networks and smartphones - Security education in the face of the risks of cyberexecution - Security sustainability (Social sustainability - environmental sustainability - economic sustainability - people's participation in sustainable security
LIBR1234 Libraries and information sources (2ساعة معتمدة)
In this course, the student studies multiple learning skills that help him on how to use traditional and electronic libraries in addition to the concept of information sources and their divisions, types and forms of information containers, with different practical examples, as well as how to access information available in the sources through the multiple keys used for each source, in addition to The skill of differentiating between the three terms used in the field (electronic libraries, digital library and virtual library) and the differences between them and traditional libraries. The student also studies the concept, origin, components, requirements and services of the traditional library and the electronic library, and its success factors.
CHEM1202 Environmental Culture (2ساعة معتمدة)
Introduction to ecology - Concept of ecology - Evolution of the human-environmental relationship - Causes of aggravation of environmental problems - Means of conservation and conservation of the environment - Basic concepts in the environment - Earth's casings - ecosystem fundamentals - solar system components - solar system types - ecosystem balance - energy flow in the ecosystem - food chain and food grid -Ecological pyramids - biogeochemical cycles - gas cycles - sedimentary cycles - air and pollutants - atmospheric layers - air pollution - primary and secondary air pollutants - air protection from pollution - general effects of air pollution - Hydrothermal Effect - Acid Rain - Ozone Hole - Water and Contaminants - Specifications to Be Available in Drinking Water Water Pollution - Types of water contaminants and their damage to human health - Protection of the water environment from pollution - Methods of maintaining drinking water - Soil pollution and means of protection - soil pollution - soil protection from pollution - desertification - food and contaminants - quality food specifications - sources of food pollution - types of food contaminants - use of medicinal drugs in animal production - food additives - environmental contamination with pesticides and toxins - Pesticides-toxins - solid waste - solid waste types - solid waste treatment and disposal - hazardous waste - electronic waste - other pollutants - inland pollution - asbestos (temporary bomb) - electromagnetic pollution - optical pollution - environment in Palestine
ENGL4377 Victorian and Modern Poetry (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course covers a number of poets and poems from the Victorian and Modern period where the literary texts are studied in their literary and historical contexts. This course focuses on the main basic concepts of poetry and reinforces them through a detailed study of a representative sample of poems and poets of this era. The focus of the selected poems is on their development, techniques, and the themes. The course clarifies how modern poetry was affected by developments in the twentieth century such as the First and Second World Wars, economic stagnation and revolutions. Suggested poets for the course are Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Thomas Hardy, Kipling, William Butler Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, W. H. Auden, and Wallace Stevens.
ENGL4281 Research project ( English ) (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces students to the basic concepts related to the academic research in the field of Education. It discusses the significance of research, its scopes, and its applications. It explores a variety of topics: the sources of knowledge, the scientific approach and its procedures, and research types and approaches. This course aims to thoroughly explain the systematic procedures of conducting research and studies in detail in addition to the elements of each chapter of the research and the research proposals. The students at the end of the course are expected to write a research proposal after thoroughly studying different samples.
ENGL3356 Classic and Renaissance Drama (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course demonstrates the development of drama with a focus on Classic and Renaissance drama, where students are exposed to a number of plays representing the two selected eras. This literary course helps students develop their abilities to interpret, analyze, and evaluate plays. It involves a detailed study of the elements of drama introducing the students to some essential concepts related to drama like dialogue, action, plot, and characterization. Particular attention is paid to the plays written by Sophocles, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlow and Ben Jonson.
ENGL4357 Classic and Romantic Poetry (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course covers a number of poets and poems from the Victorian and Modern period where the literary texts are studied in their literary and historical contexts. This course focuses on the main basic concepts of poetry and reinforces them through a detailed study of a representative sample of poems and poets of this era. The focus of the selected poems is on their development, techniques, and the themes. The course clarifies how modern poetry was affected by developments in the twentieth century such as the First and Second World Wars, economic stagnation and revolutions. Suggested poets for the course are Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Thomas Hardy, Kipling, William Butler Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, W. H. Auden, and Wallace Stevens.
ENGL4372 American Literature (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course is an introduction to a more reflective appreciation of American literature. It provides methods of analyzing the various characteristics of American poetry, short stories, and novel. In this course, the students are introduced to a wide variety of texts to help them grow a strong foundation upon which they can apply their critical and analytical skills through class discussions. The course addresses common themes that dominate American Literature and tackles how different schools of literary writing can shape the views of the self and other via literature. Challenges and possibilities of American Literature today represent a good portion of the concluding phase of the course.
ENGL4280 Teaching English as a Foreign Language (2) (2ساعة معتمدة)
In this course, students further explore teaching methods and techniques, and lesson planning. The TEFL practicum phase gives students who have completed all other course work and that of the TEFL (1) course, the opportunity to put their knowledge of EFL teaching theories into practice. Teaching situations for individual students are given in microteaching classes by every student. The students perform a minimum of 10 minutes teaching followed by feedback from the instructor. The course mainly aims at raising the student’s awareness of theoretical knowledge of a range of English language components including grammatical structures, lexis (vocabulary), and ELT terminology relating to form, meaning and language use. Upon successful completion of the course, the students are expected to have a considerable understanding of the methodology for different lesson types and how lessons are structured.
ENGL4381 World Literature (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course equips the students with the necessary knowledge of world literature: its origins, theories, characteristics and prospects. It investigates a selection of texts from poetry, drama, short stories as well as the novel. It poses and attempts to answer the questions of: What is “World Literature”? Does the phrase refer to the literature that is universal? If so, how does literature achieve this global impact? The course addresses common themes that cut across cultures and tries to tackle the issue of how dominant narratives can shape our views of the other. It helps the students analyse several major pieces of World Literature and construct coherent arguments on texts and their status within the world literary scene.
ENGL4378 Modern Novel (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course discusses themes in modern English novel. It tackles topics such as literary modernism, realism, and post-modernism. The selected materials are chosen to reflect the modern characteristics of the novel, viewed in terms of political, social, economic, cultural, and linguistic differences. This course acquaints students with the features of modern and contemporary novel in order to understand the literary genre and its development in a comparative analytical way. The students study two novels among the writings of novelists such as, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Joseph Conrad, and George Orwell. By the end of the course, students are expected to demonstrate capacity for close critical reading of selected novels.
ISLM1204 Islamic creed (2ساعة معتمدة)
The definition of the Islamic faith, its characteristics, details the six pillars of faith: faith in God Almighty, faith in angels, faith in heavenly books, faith in prophets and messengers, faith in the other day and its details, faith in judiciary and fate. At the end of the course, the student is able to: * know the knowledge of the faith and its importance. * Distinction between types of uniformity. * Access to the concepts of faith in justice and fate. * Post-death identification from another day and other matters.
EDUC4205 Practicum 2 (2ساعة معتمدة)
It is an educational process that aims to provide opportunities for students to apply educational concepts, principles and theories in a performance and behavioral manner in the real field of training (in schools), to acquire the teaching skills required by the teaching / learning process, so that the student / trainee is able to practice it efficiently and effectively.