Alaqsa University


Seaport of Gaza

Seaport of Gaza

The seaport of Gaza is a small port near the Rimal district of Gaza City. It is the home port of Palestinian fishing-boats. The port is located on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is mentioned in several ancient historical texts. It has a depth of 970 meters and a surface area of 48,000 square meters. After the occupation of Gaza in 1967, Israel has prevented fishermen from crossing the coast more than six miles.

The Gaza port had been a central stop in the caravan routes of the ancient world. In 2011, a series of columns and ancient marble arches were discovered in the port of Gaza dating back to 335 AD. The columns are between three and four meters long, and are believed to date back to the Roman period during the time of Emperor Constantine, who recognized the Christian religion and called this region Constantinople or Myomas. It was known that the port of Myomas was one of the most important ports during the Roman period. The length of the columns extends to 700 meters from north to south along the length of the coast and its width from the east to the coast up to 500 meters and extends below sea level no less than 400 meters.

Azhar article:

The Port of Gaza is a small port near the Rimal district of Gaza City. It was the principal port on the Mediterranean serving the Incense Road. Strabo and Ptolemy referred to it as Gazaion limen. The port was distinct from the city, which was located opposite it. Under Constantine the Great, the settled area around the port was granted city status and named Konstaneia. Under the emperor Julian, it was downgraded and the name was changed to Maioumas ("harbor place"). It became associated at this time with a pagan festival.

The Port of Gaza was at the end of the Nabataean spice road where trade was conducted in herbs, spices incense, drapery, glass and food. Goods arrived in the port on the backs of camels from Southern Arabia (the Kingdom of Sheba) through Petra, the Arava Valley and crossing Negev Desert via Avdat. At the port of Gaza, these goods were dispatched to the European markets.

Alexander Jannaeus' conquest of Gaza (99 BCE) that denied the Nabateans access to the port and trade with Rome led to Obodas launching a military campaign against the Hasmonean King.

Gaza Port was rebuilt after it was incorporated into the Roman Empire in 63 BCE under the command of Pompey Magnus and trade routes were reopened.

In 2011, eight Roman columns believed to be the remains of a church were swept ashore during a storm. In 2013, the Palestinian naval police found ancient artifacts that included poles and baked clay.