Alaqsa University


Journal of al-Aqsa University. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences آخر تحديث 7/16/2024 6:01:31 PM

Journal of al-Aqsa University. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences

أعضاء هيئة التحرير
Leadership Traits and their Relationship with Dialogue Skill among Palestinian University Islamic Bloc Leaders in Gaza Governorates
خالد محمود أبو ندى محمد عاشور صادق
The Methods Of Psychological Care For Child As Manifested In Sunna Nabawiya And The Ways Of Implementing Them In Developing Contemporary Palestinian Child Care
محمود خليل أبو دف
The degree of practicing active learning strategies from teachers and supervisors' point of view
محمود إبراهيم الجعبري
The Effect of using "Crocodile Chemistry" Computerized Program in Modifying the Alternative Chemical among the Seventh Grade Studentes in the Directorate of Education-South Nablus
محمود أحمد شمالي بلال أحمد أبو عيدة هديل رفيق عودة
Imagine a proposal for Total Quality Management in the Palestinian sports clubs
د. عمر نصر الله قشطة