Faculty of Medical Sciences | Department of Laboratory Medical sciences


Department Department of Laboratory Medical sciences

Department of Laboratory Medical sciences More..

Course Description آخر تحديث 12/22/2024 12:36:31 PM

1- General information:

- Course title:  Human Anatomy and Physiology                                - Course code: MEDT1401           

                                                           علم التشريح ووظائف الاعضاء

- Credit hours of the course : 5 hours(2+3)

- Previous requirement courses : General Biology

2- Course Description :

This course focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan and function of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous and sensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system.

This course includes a detailed study of many human body systems. Homeostatic balance, the relationship between structure and function, and the interrelationships between body systems.




1-General information

Course title:  Medical Terminology                                                course code:  MEDT2205

مصطلحات طبيه                   

Credit hours of the course: Two hours

Previous requirement courses:

2-Course Description:

This course will focus on the many components of a medical term and how to break down a medical term by simply knowing the meaning of the prefix or suffix. By learning the individual parts of a medical word, the students will not need to memorize hundreds of complex medical terms and their definitions.



1- General information:

- Course title:   Medical instrumentation                                          - Course code: MEDT2104

                                                                                  أجهزة و معدات طبية

- Credit hours of the course : 1

- Previous requirement courses : General Chemistry

2- Course Description :

This course introduces students to the analytical techniques and instrumentation commonly used in a clinical diagnostic laboratory for the analysis of biological specimens. Topics will include: light measurement systems, electrochemical systems, Centrifuges, Incubators, Water bath, oven and Microscopes. Emphasis will be placed on providing students with the knowledge and skills to allow them to communicate effectively within a diagnostic laboratory environment.



1- General information:

- Course title: Cell Biology                                  - Course code: MEDT1300

                                                                                                           بيولوجيا الخلية  

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  General Biology

2- Course Description :

The course will introduce the students to different topics necessary for the understanding of the cell biology and their relation to the medical subjects. These include: the organization of the cell; study of the structure, function and physiology of membranes; cellular organelles; cellular communication and transmission of signals that control the most important cellular functions; and finally the most important controls of cell cycle. The course will represent the basis for more advanced courses like molecular biology, genetics, histology, endocrinology, physiology and others.



1- General information:

- Course title: GENERAL PATHOLOGY                                        - Course code: MEDT2306

                                                                                          علم الأمراض

- Credit hours of the course :3 hours

- Previous requirement courses : Anatomy and physiology

2- Course Description :

The course allows students to learn basic concept of the various disease processes in the body as well the basic molecular, cellular and reactions to various injurious agents. Cell injury including adaptations,

necrosis & apoptosis. Pathology of Inflammation including causes and manifestations and hemodynamic are also discussed. The course also emphasizes neoplasia including classification, epidemiology, and

characteristics of benign and malignant tumors.



1- General information:

- Course title:  Introduction to Medical technology               - Course code: MEDT2214

                                                            مقدمة في التحاليل الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses : Anatomy and physiology

2- Course Description :

This course is assigned to give the students an idea about their profession in the future as Medical technologist. By explaining the role of medical technologist and the different medical laboratories.

The course include basic laboratory techniques in in Haematology, Urine analysis and Clinical chemistry.

In addition to, Biosafety, quality control assurance and use of different instruments like Microscope, Spectrophotometer, standardization of micro pipetting.



1- General information:

- Course title: General Microbiogy                                           - Course code: MEDT1302

                                                                                            علم الأحياء الدقيقة العام

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : General Biology

2- Course Description :

This course will include basic microbial nomenclature, microbial structure, virulence factors and mechanisms of tissue damage. The course will also include a survey of infectious microbes and the clinical consequences of infection. This course will place particular emphasis on antimicrobial therapy. The course is intended also to give the students basic introduction on virology, immunology and mycology.

In the practical part of the course, the student  is trained How to use the microscope, preparation of bacterial smear, culture media preparation, examining the morphology of bacterial cells using different types of stains.

1- General information:

- Course title: Molecular Biology                                  - Course code: MEDT2307

                                                                                                علم البيولوجيا الجزيئية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  Cell Biology

2- Course Description :

A central theme of the course will be the continuum of biological understanding, starting with basic properties of genes and genomes and extending to the complex, hierarchical interactions fundamental to living organisms including aspects of gene expression from gene to protein and DNA replication, maintenance and repair.

The course will serve as an introductory one for more advanced courses including, medical genetics, molecular diagnosis and molecular biology of cancer.



1-General information:

Coarse title: Medical Biochemistry            course code: MEDT2331

                                                                                      كيمياء حيوية طبية

Credit hours of the coarse: Three

Previous requirement courses: General biology, General Chemistry

2- Course Description:

Medical Biochemistry is designed for the medical students after general chemistry course. It is enable the student to learn and understand the fundamental aspects related to macromolecules and its medical significance in the health and disease. The course will introduce the normal and abnormal constituents of blood and urine and its medical significance and applications in the medical field. The course also introduces the basic medical concepts of the marker enzymes, hormones and vitamins. The course is designed to provide the student with a strong theoretical background about the different biochemical reactions and processes happen inside the human body normally and abnormally.


Practical medical biochemistry is designed for the medical students after general chemistry and biology courses. It is enable the student to learn and understand the fundamental chemical aspects related to carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins and its medical significance. The course also introduces the basic technical concepts of some enzymes, and vitamins. The course is designed to provide the student with a strong theoretical background about the different biochemical reactions and processes happen inside the human body.



1- General information:

- Course title:       Diagnostic Medical Microbiology                      - Course code: MEDT2303

                                                               أحياء دقيقه طبيه تشخيصيه

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : General Microbiology

2- Course Description :

Diagnostic Medical Microbiology course focuses on medical aspects of bacterial pathogens, cultural, biochemical, serological and other unique characteristics that might aid in the process of identification of these pathogens. The course addresses the basic medical bacterial groups in detail (Gram negative and gram-positive bacilli  as well as the Gram-negative and positive cocci. In addition, unclassified pathogens and fungi are discussed in details.

The practical course includes the different methods and techniques applied for the diagnosis of pathogenic microorganisms isolated from different clinical specimens. Emphasizing on both normal and transient flora of the human body. Methods of collection and handling of different pathological specimens. Introduction to procedures and identification techniques used to isolate and identify bacteria. Morphological, biological, and biochemical characteristics of bacteria commonly isolated from clinical specimens.




-General information:

- Course title:      Medical Histology                                            - Course code: MEDT2309

?                                                                                  علم الأنسجة الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : MEDT1300

- Course Description :

Medical Histology will cover the microscopic structure and function of human cells and tissues that make up the organ systems. The organization of cells and tissues are correlated with diagnostic imaging of normal and pathologic tissues. Clinical exercises will be used to develop “problem solving” and “critical thinking” skills..

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

- demonstrate an understanding of the microscopic organization and relationships of cells, tissues and organs of the human body;

-  identify cells and tissues and describe their functions; develop problem solving skills to evaluate both normal and pathologic structure and function of cells and tissues that comprise the organs of the human body; and

- demonstrate critical thinking skills to describe possible pathologic outcomes of dysfunctional cells and tissues.




1- General information:

Course title:  Immunology & Serology                                         course code: MEDT3310

                                                                                           علم المناعة والامصال  

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: General  Microbiology

2- Course Description:

Introduction to immunology .  Basic structure and functions of immune system, innate and acquired immunity ,antibody structure, antigen and antigenecity, complement system, lymphocytes education and activation, MHC molecules, immune tolerance, cytokines, immunity to microorganisms





1- General information:

- Course title: Medical Genetics                                  - Course code: MEDT3311

                                                                                                       علم الوراثة الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  Molecular Biology

2- Course Description :

This course will provide students with a framework for understanding the field of medical genetics, including an introduction to genetics and genomics in medicine, principles of clinical cytogenetics, disorders of the autosomes and the sex chromosomes, patterns of single-gene inheritance, genetics of common disorders with complex inheritance, genetic variation in individuals and populations, cancer genetics and genomics. The students will have the opportunity to practice by their own hands some advanced techniques applied to the molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases. These include, DNA extraction, Gel electrophoresis, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)and Karyotyping.



1-General information:

Coarse title: Clinical Chemistry(1)                                             course code: MEDT3413

                                                                                  كيمياء سريرية 1              

Credit hours of the coarse: Three

Previous requirement courses: medical biochemistry, , physiology, pathology

2- Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of clinical chemistry for the students of medical technology departments. After finishing of this course the student will be familiar with most of the routine chemical laboratory tests of renal and liver functions, also disorders of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.  The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedure and other technical skills related to these tests. 

The practical course is designed for medical technology students to learn and understand the basic aspects related to the routine clinical chemical tests used in the medical field. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedure and other technical skills related to these tests. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe, and record the observed results accurately and to use experimental evidence in arriving at logical conclusions or interpretations.     




1- General information:

- Course title: Molecular Diagnostics                                  - Course code: MEDT4317

                                                                                         البيولوجيا الجزيئية التشخيصية   

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  Molecular Biology

2- Course Description :

This course offers an introduction to the newest, fastest-growing field in laboratory science. Explaining and clarifying the molecular techniques used in diagnostic testing. It covers the principles of techniques and instrumentation, and applications of molecular diagnostics. This includes discussions on specimen collection and processing, nucleic acid purification and amplification and detection techniques. The polymerase chain reaction, which is the dominant analytical technique, is presented in a state-of-the-art fashion. The course will cover areas of laboratory diagnosis where conventional techniques fail, such as diagnosis of viruses and rare bacterial strains, cancers, forensics, pharmacogenomics and genetics in a qualitative and quantitative manner.

The students will gain the opportunity to be exposed to and practice advanced molecular techniques, such as real time PCR, Fluorescent in situ hybridization, genetic identity determination, conventional PCR and various hybridization techniques.



1-General information

Course title:  Clinical hematology I                course code: MEDT3315

                                                                                    علم الدم السريري-1

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: Introduction to Medical Technology, physiology and pathology

2- Course Description:

The course deals with the emergence of blood cells, stem cell theory, and the process of organizing, the development and differentiate stem cells. Different blood cell production, proliferation, differentiation and maturation The course also focusing on the structure and biosynthesis of  hemoglobin and red blood cells. anemia resulting from bone marrow failure and malnutrition

This course will cover the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of anemia resulting from bone marrow failure and malnutrition, hemolytic anemia and all types of anemia



1-General information

Course title:   Medical Parasitology                                    course code: MEDT3335

                                                                                علم الطفيليات الطبية

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: general biology    

2- Course Description :

The aim of the course is to develop basic knowledge and skill to identify the parasites, diagnosis the diseases caused by them, manage the patients, prevent and control parasitic diseases.






1- General information:

- Course title:  Medical Virology                                                     - Course code: MEDT4221

                                                                                                علم الفيروسات الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses: General Microbiology

2- Course Description :

 This course is a comprehensive presentation of all the families of human viruses. Course coverage will focus almost entirely on viruses that infect humans and cause serious disease with specific emphasis on pathogenesis mechanisms of virus infection and virus-cell interactions, at cellular and molecular level. Diagnosis of viral infections, vaccines and controls of viral infections are also discussed.

Classes include lectures as well as reading and discussion of primary papers which covers topics such as virus entry, viral DNA or RNA replication, transcription, translation, virus assembly and release, persistence, latency, cell lysis and interference.

The first part of the course will cover the basic principles and concepts used in the study of viral

diseases, modern diagnostic methods and recent advances in the application of molecular

virology to the development of recombinant vaccines and other means to combat viral diseases.

The second half of the course will include material on the individual diseases and causative







1-General information

Course title:   Clinical Immunology                                                  course code: MEDT4230

                                                                               علم المناعة  السريرية 

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: Immunology & Serology    

2- Course Description:

Advanced of Clinical Immunology .  Transplantation, Rheumatoid arthritis and joint diseases, SLE and other connective tissue Disorders, Endocrine Disorders, Immunohematology, Hypersensitivity reactions, Pulmonary disorders,









1-General information:

Coarse title: Clinical Chemistry (2)                                                course code: MEDT3313

                                                                                       كيمياء سريرية 2

Credit hours of the coarse: Three

Previous requirement courses: medical biochemistry, Clinical chemistry(1)

2- Course Description:

The course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of clinical chemistry related to the marker clinical enzymes, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, disorders of amino acids metabolism, clinical toxicology and tumor markers. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedures and other technical skills related to these tests. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe, and record the observed results accurately and to use experimental evidence in arriving at logical conclusions and interpretations.  

The practical course is designed for medical technology students to learn and understand the basic aspects related to the routine clinical enzymology, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, some drugs and some tumor markers tests used in the medical field. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedure and other technical skills related to these tests. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe, and record the observed results accurately and to use experimental evidence in arriving at logical conclusions or interpretations. 



1- General information:

- Course title: Molecular Biology of Cancer                          - Course code: MEDT4228

                                                                                بيولوجيا السرطانات      

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses :  Molecular Biology

2- Course Description :

The students will be given insights into the conceptual foundation underlying the modern molecular, cellular and genetic basis for the group of diseases called cancer. The concepts to be covered during the course include: an introduction to the nature of cancer, mechanisms of onco-genesis, the genetic basis for cancer development and the most important hallmarks of cancer.



1- General information:

- Course title: Body Fluids                                                             - Course code: MEDT3322

                                                                                                       سوائل الجسم

- Credit hours of the course : 3 hours

- Previous requirement courses : Clinical chemistry I, Clinical chemistry II

2- Course Description :

An introduction to the study of urine and body fluid analysis. Includes the anatomy and physiology of the kidney, physical, chemical and microscopic examination of urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and other body fluids as well as quality control, quality assurance and safety..

The student should be able to:

- Describe the composition, formation and functions of selected body fluids.

-Evaluate body fluid specimens to determine suitability for test(s) requested.

-Evaluate body fluid specimens for acceptability based on labeling, appropriate volume, collection, handling and storage requirements.

- Process and analyze body fluid specimens using only necessary supplies and within a reasonable amount of time.

-Collect and perform macroscopic and microscopic analysis of urine samples within stated limits of accuracy

- Evaluate laboratory test outcomes and correlate test results with patient condition(s)

- Perform and evaluate quality control samples.

 -Explain principle of each test identified / performed


1-General information

Course title:  Clinical Haematology 2                      course code: MEDT4320

                                                                                     علم الدم السريري 2

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: Clinical hematology I

2- Course Description:

This course will cover the diagnosis and management of blood cell disorders, anatomy and physiology of hematopoiesis, routine specialized hematology tests, analysis, classification, and monitoring of blood cell abnormalities

The course is focusing on the functions, disorders and tests of white blood cells, acute and chronic leukaemias, myeloproliferative, lymphoproliferative disorders and nonmalignant leukocyte disorders,

The practical work in the course is designed to expand and reinforce the ideas introduced in the lectures.



1- General information:

- Course title:   Medical Mycology                              - Course code: MEDT4318

                                                                                            علم الفطريات الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : General Microbiology, Diagnostic Microbiology

2- Course Description :

This course consists of a basic introduction to medical mycology and a comprehensive study of the fungi (yeasts and molds) and mycoses (fungal diseases) likely to be encountered in clinical settings by a physician, medical mycologist, or medical technologist.





1-General information:

Coarse title: Advanced Clinical Chemistry             course code: MEDT4226

                                                                         كيمياء طبية متقدمة

Credit hours of the coarse: 2

Previous requirement courses: medical biochemistry, Clinical chemistry 1&2

2- Course Description:

The course is designed to introduce the advanced concepts of clinical chemistry related to the chemical analysis of the newborn, pregnancy, fetal development, renal calculi, gallstones inborn errors of metabolism, vitamins, and transplant recipient. The student will be able to understand how and when validation of the results in chemical analysis is required. The student is encouraged to understand the mechanisms of requesting clinical chemical tests and interpretation of the results.



1- General information:

- Course title:   Clinical Microbiology                                                         - Course code: MEDT3229

                                                                                         الميكروبيولوجيا سريرية

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses : Diagnostic Microbiology

2- Course Description :

This course is a simulated clinical practice for the differentiation of normal flora from pathogenic microorganisms encountered in various body sites. There will be an emphasis on identification of

pathogens, solving case studies and unknowns, as well as the role of the microbiologist in aiding the physician in the treatment of infectious diseases. The course will also include topics on

specimen collection, antimicrobial modes of action and testing culture and identification of different types of bacteria.


1-General information

Course title:  Blood bank                                                                 course code: MEDT4319

                                                                                                  بنك الدم            

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: clinical hematology, blood disease

2- Course Description:

Building up the basic knowledge of serological testing and blood group systems based upon required reading on pre-transfusion testing, clinical conditions associated with immuno-hematology, possible complications of transfusion and the practical aspects of transfusion Medicine.

Laboratory session will provide students the opportunity to practice routine pre-transfusion testing procedures




1- General information:

- Course title:   Endocrinology                                                         - Course code: MEDT3316

                                                                                                  علم الغدد الصماء

- Credit hours of the course :  3

- Previous requirement courses : physiology , anatomy , cell biology

2- Course Description :

Endocrinology is an upper level course for students with good background in biology, physiology, and anatomy. 

The course covers the endocrine system and its hormonal products, including the hormone producing cells, synthesis and modification of the hormones, release and transport of the hormones, hormone receptors and the mechanisms of hormone action, the effects of hormones on target cells, the effects of  hormones on physiological processes, as well as the diseases caused by inappropriate hormone functions.

also it insist on different laboratory tests used in clinical endocrinology regarding its technical part and interpretation of these tests





1-General information

Course title:  Advanced hematology                             course code: MEDT4228

                                                                                     علم دم متقدم

Credit hours of the course: two hours

Previous requirement courses: clinical hematology, blood diseases 

2- Course Description:

Study of role of blood vessels, platelets and coagulation factors in normal hemostasis. Morphology and function of platelets; diseases of platelets and tests for platelet function. Study of coagulation pathways and fibrinolytic mechanisms. Study of normal and pathologic coagulation inhibitors; inherited and acquired coagulation disorders. Lab diagnosis and management of hemorrhagic diseases, hypercoagulability and anticoagulant therapy






1- General information:

- Course title:  Human Anatomy and Physiology                                - Course code: MEDT1401           

                                                           علم التشريح ووظائف الاعضاء

- Credit hours of the course : 5 hours(2+3)

- Previous requirement courses : General Biology

2- Course Description :

This course focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan and function of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous and sensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system.

This course includes a detailed study of many human body systems. Homeostatic balance, the relationship between structure and function, and the interrelationships between body systems.




1-General information

Course title:  Medical Terminology                                                course code:  MEDT2205

مصطلحات طبيه                   

Credit hours of the course: Two hours

Previous requirement courses:

2-Course Description:

This course will focus on the many components of a medical term and how to break down a medical term by simply knowing the meaning of the prefix or suffix. By learning the individual parts of a medical word, the students will not need to memorize hundreds of complex medical terms and their definitions.



1- General information:

- Course title:   Medical instrumentation                                          - Course code: MEDT2104

                                                                                  أجهزة و معدات طبية

- Credit hours of the course : 1

- Previous requirement courses : General Chemistry

2- Course Description :

This course introduces students to the analytical techniques and instrumentation commonly used in a clinical diagnostic laboratory for the analysis of biological specimens. Topics will include: light measurement systems, electrochemical systems, Centrifuges, Incubators, Water bath, oven and Microscopes. Emphasis will be placed on providing students with the knowledge and skills to allow them to communicate effectively within a diagnostic laboratory environment.



1- General information:

- Course title: Cell Biology                                  - Course code: MEDT1300

                                                                                                           بيولوجيا الخلية  

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  General Biology

2- Course Description :

The course will introduce the students to different topics necessary for the understanding of the cell biology and their relation to the medical subjects. These include: the organization of the cell; study of the structure, function and physiology of membranes; cellular organelles; cellular communication and transmission of signals that control the most important cellular functions; and finally the most important controls of cell cycle. The course will represent the basis for more advanced courses like molecular biology, genetics, histology, endocrinology, physiology and others.



1- General information:

- Course title: GENERAL PATHOLOGY                                        - Course code: MEDT2306

                                                                                          علم الأمراض

- Credit hours of the course :3 hours

- Previous requirement courses : Anatomy and physiology

2- Course Description :

The course allows students to learn basic concept of the various disease processes in the body as well the basic molecular, cellular and reactions to various injurious agents. Cell injury including adaptations,

necrosis & apoptosis. Pathology of Inflammation including causes and manifestations and hemodynamic are also discussed. The course also emphasizes neoplasia including classification, epidemiology, and

characteristics of benign and malignant tumors.



1- General information:

- Course title:  Introduction to Medical technology               - Course code: MEDT2214

                                                            مقدمة في التحاليل الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses : Anatomy and physiology

2- Course Description :

This course is assigned to give the students an idea about their profession in the future as Medical technologist. By explaining the role of medical technologist and the different medical laboratories.

The course include basic laboratory techniques in in Haematology, Urine analysis and Clinical chemistry.

In addition to, Biosafety, quality control assurance and use of different instruments like Microscope, Spectrophotometer, standardization of micro pipetting.



1- General information:

- Course title: General Microbiogy                                           - Course code: MEDT1302

                                                                                            علم الأحياء الدقيقة العام

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : General Biology

2- Course Description :

This course will include basic microbial nomenclature, microbial structure, virulence factors and mechanisms of tissue damage. The course will also include a survey of infectious microbes and the clinical consequences of infection. This course will place particular emphasis on antimicrobial therapy. The course is intended also to give the students basic introduction on virology, immunology and mycology.

In the practical part of the course, the student  is trained How to use the microscope, preparation of bacterial smear, culture media preparation, examining the morphology of bacterial cells using different types of stains.

1- General information:

- Course title: Molecular Biology                                  - Course code: MEDT2307

                                                                                                علم البيولوجيا الجزيئية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  Cell Biology

2- Course Description :

A central theme of the course will be the continuum of biological understanding, starting with basic properties of genes and genomes and extending to the complex, hierarchical interactions fundamental to living organisms including aspects of gene expression from gene to protein and DNA replication, maintenance and repair.

The course will serve as an introductory one for more advanced courses including, medical genetics, molecular diagnosis and molecular biology of cancer.



1-General information:

Coarse title: Medical Biochemistry            course code: MEDT2331

                                                                                      كيمياء حيوية طبية

Credit hours of the coarse: Three

Previous requirement courses: General biology, General Chemistry

2- Course Description:

Medical Biochemistry is designed for the medical students after general chemistry course. It is enable the student to learn and understand the fundamental aspects related to macromolecules and its medical significance in the health and disease. The course will introduce the normal and abnormal constituents of blood and urine and its medical significance and applications in the medical field. The course also introduces the basic medical concepts of the marker enzymes, hormones and vitamins. The course is designed to provide the student with a strong theoretical background about the different biochemical reactions and processes happen inside the human body normally and abnormally.


Practical medical biochemistry is designed for the medical students after general chemistry and biology courses. It is enable the student to learn and understand the fundamental chemical aspects related to carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins and its medical significance. The course also introduces the basic technical concepts of some enzymes, and vitamins. The course is designed to provide the student with a strong theoretical background about the different biochemical reactions and processes happen inside the human body.



1- General information:

- Course title:       Diagnostic Medical Microbiology                      - Course code: MEDT2303

                                                               أحياء دقيقه طبيه تشخيصيه

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : General Microbiology

2- Course Description :

Diagnostic Medical Microbiology course focuses on medical aspects of bacterial pathogens, cultural, biochemical, serological and other unique characteristics that might aid in the process of identification of these pathogens. The course addresses the basic medical bacterial groups in detail (Gram negative and gram-positive bacilli  as well as the Gram-negative and positive cocci. In addition, unclassified pathogens and fungi are discussed in details.

The practical course includes the different methods and techniques applied for the diagnosis of pathogenic microorganisms isolated from different clinical specimens. Emphasizing on both normal and transient flora of the human body. Methods of collection and handling of different pathological specimens. Introduction to procedures and identification techniques used to isolate and identify bacteria. Morphological, biological, and biochemical characteristics of bacteria commonly isolated from clinical specimens.




-General information:

- Course title:      Medical Histology                                            - Course code: MEDT2309

?                                                                                  علم الأنسجة الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : MEDT1300

- Course Description :

Medical Histology will cover the microscopic structure and function of human cells and tissues that make up the organ systems. The organization of cells and tissues are correlated with diagnostic imaging of normal and pathologic tissues. Clinical exercises will be used to develop “problem solving” and “critical thinking” skills..

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

- demonstrate an understanding of the microscopic organization and relationships of cells, tissues and organs of the human body;

-  identify cells and tissues and describe their functions; develop problem solving skills to evaluate both normal and pathologic structure and function of cells and tissues that comprise the organs of the human body; and

- demonstrate critical thinking skills to describe possible pathologic outcomes of dysfunctional cells and tissues.




1- General information:

Course title:  Immunology & Serology                                         course code: MEDT3310

                                                                                           علم المناعة والامصال  

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: General  Microbiology

2- Course Description:

Introduction to immunology .  Basic structure and functions of immune system, innate and acquired immunity ,antibody structure, antigen and antigenecity, complement system, lymphocytes education and activation, MHC molecules, immune tolerance, cytokines, immunity to microorganisms





1- General information:

- Course title: Medical Genetics                                  - Course code: MEDT3311

                                                                                                       علم الوراثة الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  Molecular Biology

2- Course Description :

This course will provide students with a framework for understanding the field of medical genetics, including an introduction to genetics and genomics in medicine, principles of clinical cytogenetics, disorders of the autosomes and the sex chromosomes, patterns of single-gene inheritance, genetics of common disorders with complex inheritance, genetic variation in individuals and populations, cancer genetics and genomics. The students will have the opportunity to practice by their own hands some advanced techniques applied to the molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases. These include, DNA extraction, Gel electrophoresis, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)and Karyotyping.



1-General information:

Coarse title: Clinical Chemistry(1)                                             course code: MEDT3413

                                                                                  كيمياء سريرية 1              

Credit hours of the coarse: Three

Previous requirement courses: medical biochemistry, , physiology, pathology

2- Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of clinical chemistry for the students of medical technology departments. After finishing of this course the student will be familiar with most of the routine chemical laboratory tests of renal and liver functions, also disorders of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.  The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedure and other technical skills related to these tests. 

The practical course is designed for medical technology students to learn and understand the basic aspects related to the routine clinical chemical tests used in the medical field. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedure and other technical skills related to these tests. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe, and record the observed results accurately and to use experimental evidence in arriving at logical conclusions or interpretations.     




1- General information:

- Course title: Molecular Diagnostics                                  - Course code: MEDT4317

                                                                                         البيولوجيا الجزيئية التشخيصية   

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses :  Molecular Biology

2- Course Description :

This course offers an introduction to the newest, fastest-growing field in laboratory science. Explaining and clarifying the molecular techniques used in diagnostic testing. It covers the principles of techniques and instrumentation, and applications of molecular diagnostics. This includes discussions on specimen collection and processing, nucleic acid purification and amplification and detection techniques. The polymerase chain reaction, which is the dominant analytical technique, is presented in a state-of-the-art fashion. The course will cover areas of laboratory diagnosis where conventional techniques fail, such as diagnosis of viruses and rare bacterial strains, cancers, forensics, pharmacogenomics and genetics in a qualitative and quantitative manner.

The students will gain the opportunity to be exposed to and practice advanced molecular techniques, such as real time PCR, Fluorescent in situ hybridization, genetic identity determination, conventional PCR and various hybridization techniques.



1-General information

Course title:  Clinical hematology I                course code: MEDT3315

                                                                                    علم الدم السريري-1

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: Introduction to Medical Technology, physiology and pathology

2- Course Description:

The course deals with the emergence of blood cells, stem cell theory, and the process of organizing, the development and differentiate stem cells. Different blood cell production, proliferation, differentiation and maturation The course also focusing on the structure and biosynthesis of  hemoglobin and red blood cells. anemia resulting from bone marrow failure and malnutrition

This course will cover the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of anemia resulting from bone marrow failure and malnutrition, hemolytic anemia and all types of anemia



1-General information

Course title:   Medical Parasitology                                    course code: MEDT3335

                                                                                علم الطفيليات الطبية

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: general biology    

2- Course Description :

The aim of the course is to develop basic knowledge and skill to identify the parasites, diagnosis the diseases caused by them, manage the patients, prevent and control parasitic diseases.






1- General information:

- Course title:  Medical Virology                                                     - Course code: MEDT4221

                                                                                                علم الفيروسات الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses: General Microbiology

2- Course Description :

 This course is a comprehensive presentation of all the families of human viruses. Course coverage will focus almost entirely on viruses that infect humans and cause serious disease with specific emphasis on pathogenesis mechanisms of virus infection and virus-cell interactions, at cellular and molecular level. Diagnosis of viral infections, vaccines and controls of viral infections are also discussed.

Classes include lectures as well as reading and discussion of primary papers which covers topics such as virus entry, viral DNA or RNA replication, transcription, translation, virus assembly and release, persistence, latency, cell lysis and interference.

The first part of the course will cover the basic principles and concepts used in the study of viral

diseases, modern diagnostic methods and recent advances in the application of molecular

virology to the development of recombinant vaccines and other means to combat viral diseases.

The second half of the course will include material on the individual diseases and causative







1-General information

Course title:   Clinical Immunology                                                  course code: MEDT4230

                                                                               علم المناعة  السريرية 

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: Immunology & Serology    

2- Course Description:

Advanced of Clinical Immunology .  Transplantation, Rheumatoid arthritis and joint diseases, SLE and other connective tissue Disorders, Endocrine Disorders, Immunohematology, Hypersensitivity reactions, Pulmonary disorders,









1-General information:

Coarse title: Clinical Chemistry (2)                                                course code: MEDT3313

                                                                                       كيمياء سريرية 2

Credit hours of the coarse: Three

Previous requirement courses: medical biochemistry, Clinical chemistry(1)

2- Course Description:

The course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of clinical chemistry related to the marker clinical enzymes, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, disorders of amino acids metabolism, clinical toxicology and tumor markers. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedures and other technical skills related to these tests. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe, and record the observed results accurately and to use experimental evidence in arriving at logical conclusions and interpretations.  

The practical course is designed for medical technology students to learn and understand the basic aspects related to the routine clinical enzymology, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, some drugs and some tumor markers tests used in the medical field. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedure and other technical skills related to these tests. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe, and record the observed results accurately and to use experimental evidence in arriving at logical conclusions or interpretations. 



1- General information:

- Course title: Molecular Biology of Cancer                          - Course code: MEDT4228

                                                                                بيولوجيا السرطانات      

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses :  Molecular Biology

2- Course Description :

The students will be given insights into the conceptual foundation underlying the modern molecular, cellular and genetic basis for the group of diseases called cancer. The concepts to be covered during the course include: an introduction to the nature of cancer, mechanisms of onco-genesis, the genetic basis for cancer development and the most important hallmarks of cancer.



1- General information:

- Course title: Body Fluids                                                             - Course code: MEDT3322

                                                                                                       سوائل الجسم

- Credit hours of the course : 3 hours

- Previous requirement courses : Clinical chemistry I, Clinical chemistry II

2- Course Description :

An introduction to the study of urine and body fluid analysis. Includes the anatomy and physiology of the kidney, physical, chemical and microscopic examination of urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and other body fluids as well as quality control, quality assurance and safety..

The student should be able to:

- Describe the composition, formation and functions of selected body fluids.

-Evaluate body fluid specimens to determine suitability for test(s) requested.

-Evaluate body fluid specimens for acceptability based on labeling, appropriate volume, collection, handling and storage requirements.

- Process and analyze body fluid specimens using only necessary supplies and within a reasonable amount of time.

-Collect and perform macroscopic and microscopic analysis of urine samples within stated limits of accuracy

- Evaluate laboratory test outcomes and correlate test results with patient condition(s)

- Perform and evaluate quality control samples.

 -Explain principle of each test identified / performed


1-General information

Course title:  Clinical Haematology 2                      course code: MEDT4320

                                                                                     علم الدم السريري 2

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: Clinical hematology I

2- Course Description:

This course will cover the diagnosis and management of blood cell disorders, anatomy and physiology of hematopoiesis, routine specialized hematology tests, analysis, classification, and monitoring of blood cell abnormalities

The course is focusing on the functions, disorders and tests of white blood cells, acute and chronic leukaemias, myeloproliferative, lymphoproliferative disorders and nonmalignant leukocyte disorders,

The practical work in the course is designed to expand and reinforce the ideas introduced in the lectures.



1- General information:

- Course title:   Medical Mycology                              - Course code: MEDT4318

                                                                                            علم الفطريات الطبية

- Credit hours of the course : 3

- Previous requirement courses : General Microbiology, Diagnostic Microbiology

2- Course Description :

This course consists of a basic introduction to medical mycology and a comprehensive study of the fungi (yeasts and molds) and mycoses (fungal diseases) likely to be encountered in clinical settings by a physician, medical mycologist, or medical technologist.





1-General information:

Coarse title: Advanced Clinical Chemistry             course code: MEDT4226

                                                                         كيمياء طبية متقدمة

Credit hours of the coarse: 2

Previous requirement courses: medical biochemistry, Clinical chemistry 1&2

2- Course Description:

The course is designed to introduce the advanced concepts of clinical chemistry related to the chemical analysis of the newborn, pregnancy, fetal development, renal calculi, gallstones inborn errors of metabolism, vitamins, and transplant recipient. The student will be able to understand how and when validation of the results in chemical analysis is required. The student is encouraged to understand the mechanisms of requesting clinical chemical tests and interpretation of the results.



1- General information:

- Course title:   Clinical Microbiology                                                         - Course code: MEDT3229

                                                                                         الميكروبيولوجيا سريرية

- Credit hours of the course : 2

- Previous requirement courses : Diagnostic Microbiology

2- Course Description :

This course is a simulated clinical practice for the differentiation of normal flora from pathogenic microorganisms encountered in various body sites. There will be an emphasis on identification of

pathogens, solving case studies and unknowns, as well as the role of the microbiologist in aiding the physician in the treatment of infectious diseases. The course will also include topics on

specimen collection, antimicrobial modes of action and testing culture and identification of different types of bacteria.


1-General information

Course title:  Blood bank                                                                 course code: MEDT4319

                                                                                                  بنك الدم            

Credit hours of the course: Three hours

Previous requirement courses: clinical hematology, blood disease

2- Course Description:

Building up the basic knowledge of serological testing and blood group systems based upon required reading on pre-transfusion testing, clinical conditions associated with immuno-hematology, possible complications of transfusion and the practical aspects of transfusion Medicine.

Laboratory session will provide students the opportunity to practice routine pre-transfusion testing procedures




1- General information:

- Course title:   Endocrinology                                                         - Course code: MEDT3316

                                                                                                  علم الغدد الصماء

- Credit hours of the course :  3

- Previous requirement courses : physiology , anatomy , cell biology

2- Course Description :

Endocrinology is an upper level course for students with good background in biology, physiology, and anatomy. 

The course covers the endocrine system and its hormonal products, including the hormone producing cells, synthesis and modification of the hormones, release and transport of the hormones, hormone receptors and the mechanisms of hormone action, the effects of hormones on target cells, the effects of  hormones on physiological processes, as well as the diseases caused by inappropriate hormone functions.

also it insist on different laboratory tests used in clinical endocrinology regarding its technical part and interpretation of these tests





1-General information

Course title:  Advanced hematology                             course code: MEDT4228

                                                                                     علم دم متقدم

Credit hours of the course: two hours

Previous requirement courses: clinical hematology, blood diseases 

2- Course Description:

Study of role of blood vessels, platelets and coagulation factors in normal hemostasis. Morphology and function of platelets; diseases of platelets and tests for platelet function. Study of coagulation pathways and fibrinolytic mechanisms. Study of normal and pathologic coagulation inhibitors; inherited and acquired coagulation disorders. Lab diagnosis and management of hemorrhagic diseases, hypercoagulability and anticoagulant therapy









CHEM2211 Organic Chemistry (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course includes chemistry of hydrocarbons, alkylhalids, alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, and amines. This course also focuses on the structures, nomenclature, physical properties, preparations and reactions.
CHEM1301 General Chemistry 1 (3ساعة معتمدة)
The first course of chemistry begins with topics such as introduction to chemistry, measurements, elements, compounds, mixtures ,Dalton's atomic theory, mole, atomic number, atomic weight, molecular weight, emperical and molecular formula, stoichiometric determination, structure of the atoms, electronic configuration of the elements, gases, thermochemistry, principles of chemical bonding, and properties of solids, liquids and solutions.
CHEM1100 General Chemistry Lab. 1 (1ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed to illustrate the principles discussed in the first and second courses of general chemistry including 12 experiments about empirical formula determination, hydration water number, qualitative and quantitative analysis, Hess law and determination of molecular weight of volatile liquid.
BIOL1311M General Biology 1(Medical Laboratory Sciences) (3ساعة معتمدة)
To provide students with basic knowledge of the animal form and function. And understand and appreciate the unifying characteristics, diversity and complexity in animals. To understand the concept of homeostasis and different animal's body homeostatic mechanisms. Investigate the physiological activities of life. To gain basic information about the structure and organization of animals. Take basic principles of ecology; population, community and ecosystem. And identify ecological problems in the biosphere.
ARAB1206 Arabic 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
- Introduce to students the most characteristics of Arabic and advantages. - Insert the membership of Arabic through learning about the most important challenges. - Rise student's presentation of Arabic expression and methods in writing. - Improve student's skills in tasting, understanding and analyzing Arabic poetry in the past and modern. - Learn to students about the story's art, essay, elements and characteristics. - Enrich student's abilities to control their linguistic uses through the applied recruitment of syntactical rules. - Enrich students' abilities to control the writing through the applied recruitment of spelling rules and punctuation.
SPOR1201 Culture in Sports Sciences (2ساعة معتمدة)
- The course aims to learn about the concept of sport and fitness Scientific foundations of warm-up. moderate and moderate strength. Basic principles for the acquisition of health and physical activity. Diseases of immobility and fitness. Ingredients for food and sports nutrition. Steroids, supplements and the negative effects of drugs and smoking on human health.
HIST1201 The Palestinian Case (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with the Palestinian cause from its early beginnings with the direction of the French campaign to the east and the struggle with Britain to protect its colonial interests, passing through the Ottoman historical era, the period of organizations and the constitution and the corresponding Zionist activity in Europe, and how the First World War affected Palestine and its fall under occupation and then the British Mandate. The role of the mandate in establishing the national home and the Jewish state in Palestine.
MEDT1205 Medical Terminology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course will focus on the many components of a medical term and how to break down a medical term by simply knowing the meaning of the prefix or suffix. By learning the individual parts of a medical word, the students will not need to memorize hundreds of complex medical terms and their definitions
ISLM1201 Holy Quran (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to protect the book of God from distortion in fulfillment of His saying: (Indeed, We have sent down the remembrance, and we will preserve it). Memorizing some surahs of the Noble Qur’an.
PHYS1225 Sciences in our life (2ساعة معتمدة)
(mechanics - properties of matter - heat - sound - light - electricity - modern physics - medical physics...) and presents them in a simple presentation with a focus on daily life observations and some natural phenomena. The course also exposes some of the familiar ideas, inventions and devices that It influenced people's lives and interpreted them from a physical perspective without being exposed to the complexities of laws and derivations known in the study of physics
NURS1304 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course provides a continuation of the comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems as well as metabolism, nutrition, acid-base balance, and fluid and electrolyte balance. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships.
RATV1200 Media & Society (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course provides a degree of knowledge of the development of radio, television, journalism, cinema and new media globally, Arab and Palestinian, and knowledge of the political, social and commercial dimensions of social networks, and the course aims to clarify the extent of the impact of the media on society and to identify the role of the media in society and its importance in its formation, and provide students with the basic skills of media education, and the skills of critical thinking of media content, and also aims to clarify the positive and negative effects of the media, conflict and integration between the new media The course seeks to keep abreast of local, national or global developments, and is studied in all its aspects and put forward for discussion with students and follow-up on what is presented on the subject, taking into account several considerations, the most important of which is the novelty of the subject and its importance for students of different disciplines as well as their relationship with society
ARTE1202 Palestinian folklore (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course explores the roots of Palestinian folk arts and identifies their main centers in Palestine. It also gives the students an overview of the essential Palestinian folk industries such as pottery, ceramics, glass, textile, straw and bamboo, metal works, and Palestinian folk embroidery.
CHEM2120 Analytical Chemistry Lab. 1 (1ساعة معتمدة)
This course includes experiments related to gravimetry, acid-base titration, precipitation titration and complex titration.
CHEM2221 Analytical Chemistry 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course covers the topics of statistical treatment of analytical data, gravimetric method of analysis, acid-base titration, and precipitation titration and complex formation titration, introduction to the spectroscopy and interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.
MATH1241 Biostatistics (2ساعة معتمدة)
Organizing and summarizing data, Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersions, Probability, Probability distributions, Binomial distributions, Normal distributions, Regression and correlation, Sampling theory, Estimation, Hypothesis testing, Analysis of variances, Vita statistics.
TECH1222 General Safety (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to provide students with knowledge and special trends of professional security and safety provisions in general, and in school in particular, which makes students take preventive action in work or in the place of their presence to avoid the risk of different exposure, how to get first aid for themselves and others in case of injury .This course consists of the following topics: the definition and development of professional safety , recognizing some definitions of professional safety, accidents and the main rules to avoid it , and reducing it ,the right rules of safety treatment with handicraft tools, safety at educational facilities, first aid and ways to give aid for some injuries, reasons of fires and how putting it out , emergencies in wars of various kinds, security and home safety.
ENGL1207 English 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This is a preliminary course that mainly focuses on general English language social skills. It introduces the students to the different language skills in an integral manner. The course is based on a strong lexical component where the students are expected to read for comprehension. This course enables them to acquire new vocabulary, develop grammar knowledge and develop the language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing. An integrated approach is applied throughout this course for students to acquire both fluency and accuracy by using basic reading techniques such as scanning, skimming, taking notes while listening; writing formal and informal letters, filling in forms, and describing people and places.
MEDT2204 Medical Instrumentation (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces students to the analytical techniques and instrumentation commonly used in a clinical diagnostic laboratory for the analysis of biological specimens. Topics will include: light measurement systems, electrochemical systems, Centrifuges, Incubators, Water bath, oven and Microscopes. Emphasis will be placed on providing students with the knowledge and skills to allow them to communicate effectively within a diagnostic laboratory environment
MEDT2307 Molecular Biology (3ساعة معتمدة)
A central theme of the course will be the continuum of biological understanding, starting with basic properties of genes and genomes and extending to the complex, hierarchical interactions fundamental to living organisms including aspects of gene expression from gene to protein and DNA replication, maintenance and repair. The course will serve as an introductory one for more advanced courses including, medical genetics, molecular diagnosis and molecular biology of cancer.
MEDT2331 Medical Biochemestyy (3ساعة معتمدة)
Medical Biochemistry is designed for the medical students after general chemistry course. It is enable the student to learn and understand the fundamental aspects related to macromolecules and its medical significance in the health and disease. The course will introduce the normal and abnormal constituents of blood and urine and its medical significance and applications in the medical field. The course also introduces the basic medical concepts of the marker enzymes, hormones and vitamins. The course is designed to provide the student with a strong theoretical background about the different biochemical reactions and processes happen inside the human body normally and abnormally.
MEDT1302 General Microbiology (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course will include basic microbial nomenclature, microbial structure, virulence factors and mechanisms of tissue damage. The course will also include a survey of infectious microbes and the clinical consequences of infection. This course will place particular emphasis on antimicrobial therapy. The course is intended also to give the students basic introduction on virology, immunology and mycology. In the practical part of the course, the student is trained How to use the microscope, preparation of bacterial smear, culture media preparation, examining the morphology of bacterial cells using different types of stains.
MEDT2207 General pathology (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course allows students to learn basic concept of the various disease processes in the body as well the basic molecular, cellular and reactions to various injurious agents. Cell injury including adaptations, necrosis & apoptosis. Pathology of Inflammation including causes and manifestations and hemodynamic are also discussed. The course also emphasizes neoplasia including classification, epidemiology, and characteristics of benign and malignant tumors.
MEDT2201 Cell Biology (2ساعة معتمدة)
: A modern view of the biology of eukaryotic cells, organelles and molecules and their interactions in the functioning of living organisms. This course focuses on advanced knowledge of the eukaryotic cell including identification of various organelles and their functions, contemporary concepts of membranes, signal transduction mechanisms, messengers and receptors, cell cycle and regulation, protein synthesis, sorting and targeting, and cell death.
BIOL1201 LIFE AND NATURE (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course touches upon the study of energy flow in the biological system, the composition of the living matter, and the role of plants in the biological system. Furthermore, it helps in recognizing life through studying aspects of life and behaviors of some living organisms, besides studying the human body structure and its ability to maintain the body homeostasis.
EDUC2266 E-learning and its applications (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the following topics: concepts and theories related to e-learning, types and environments of e-learning, stages of design in e-learning, organizational and executive rules for e-learning, and the role of administration, students and teachers in e-learning and their skills. The course also provides students with the necessary skills to deal with e-learning tools and programs. The course seeks to provide students with positive attitudes towards e-learning and its applications in teaching, as well as looking comprehensively in terms of e-learning in institutions in general, theoretical and practical application of a group of famous applications in e-learning such as Moodle and Classroom and some webinar programs such as Zoom and Meet.
JOUR1200 Digital media and content creation (2ساعة معتمدة)
In this course, the student is introduced to the basic concepts of media and communication, their types, functions, characteristics and different features and the difference between each of them, in addition to identifying the concepts of digital media, its means, functions, and communication characteristics, specifically those related to the effects of the Internet and the developments of communication technology, as well as It is devoted to social networks and their types, roles, and various functions, and society members manufacture media content as part of their active participation in the Internet environment, as well as critiquing this content, and identifying digital privacy and digital security challenges, and finally the course presents the ethics of digital media.
GEOG1202 Geography of Palestine (2ساعة معتمدة)
The student is expected to be familiar with the following topics: Study the location, position, geological formations, topography, and climate. Study of water resources, natural plants, and soil types for Palestine. In addition to studying the economic activity of the population. Study of population growth in Palestine in addition to the geographical reality of the city of Jerusalem
SOCI1204 Palestinian society problems (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is one of the university's elective requirements, which aims primarily to study social problems in Palestinian society as one of the phenomena that most affect the stability and development of society. It deals with the patterns of social problems in the Palestinian society, their dimensions, the influencing factors, and the mechanisms for confronting them, discussing the family and educational problems, the problems of women and children, the problems of juvenile delinquency, the problems of youth, the problems of crime and delinquency, the economic problems, and the risks of globalization on the Palestinian family and society
MEDT2314 Introduction to Medical Technology (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course is assigned to give the students an idea about their profession in the future as Medical technologist. By explaining the role of medical technologist and the different medical laboratories.The course include basic laboratory techniques in in Haematology, Urine analysis and Clinical chemistry. In addition to, Biosafety, quality control assurance and use of different instruments like Microscope, Spectrophotometer, standardization of micro pipetting.
MEDT2100 Practical Medical Biochemistry (1ساعة معتمدة)
1. Practical biochemistry course is designed to enable the students to learn and understand the fundamental aspects related to the identification of the individuals of carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids. 2. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe and record the results observed to use the experimental evidence to arrive to logical interpretations and conclusion. 3. The course aims to introduce some aspects related to the structure, reactions and properties of sugars, amino acids, some enzymes and vitamins. 4. To develop an understanding of some of the basic biochemical techniques and its medical applications.
NURS1305 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course provides a continuation of the comprehensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems as well as metabolism, nutrition, acid-base balance, and fluid and electrolyte balance. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of principles of anatomy and physiology and their interrelationships.
NURS3237 Essential Epidemiology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course provides an introduction to the basic principles and methods of epidemiology. This unique branch of science is necessary to give the student an understanding of health and diseases among the population. Emphasis is placed on the principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation, appropriate summaries and displays of data, and the use of classical statistical approaches to describe the health of populations. We will illustrate and practice using epidemiology to better understand, characterize, and promote health at a population level. The class will engage the students in active and collaborative learning through team activities, individual projects, case studies, group discussion, and individual projects
ISLM1202 Biography of the Prophet mohammed (2ساعة معتمدة)
At the end of the course the student is able to: Identify the Prophet's biography from birth until his death. Identify the most important invasions that occurred in the age of the Prophet (PBUH). The student should recognize the difficulties and risks faced by the Prophet in inviting him to God Almighty.
ARAB1217 Palestinian Literature (2ساعة معتمدة)
1- Learn about the historical dimension, relationship to the contents of Palestinian literature, and political, social and cultural reality in Palestine. 2- Study the impact of Palestinian reality on literature, and keep up with the situation in various stages. 3- Familiarity with the most prominent figures of Palestinian literature in poetry and prose, some of their works, and the impact of these works on the reality. 4- Identify the difficulties and obstacles faced the researchers in Palestinian literature, especially in the early stages of his history. 5- Identify the most prominent researchers and pioneers in Palestinian literature, their history, and their role in bringing it into existence. 6- It includes many artistic and objective issues in literary types, and multiple trends in analysis and criticism with clarifying its development stages and the most prominent figures and characteristics.
BUSA1200 Leadership & Entrepreneurship Skills (2ساعة معتمدة)
Leadership and Entrepreneurship Skills is a course aimed at developing students' knowledge and skills in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship. This course focuses on enhancing their abilities in team leadership, effective decision-making, and promoting innovation and creativity in a business context. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to various theories and models of leadership, gaining insights into different leadership styles and approaches. They will learn about the qualities and characteristics of successful leaders and how to apply them in real work scenarios. Additionally, the course will cover topics such as communication skills, conflict resolution, and motivation techniques, all of which are essential for effective leadership. The entrepreneurship component of the course includes introducing students to the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship and the process of business creation and management. They will learn about opportunity discovery, market analysis, business planning, and resource management. The course also emphasizes the development of an entrepreneurial mindset, encouraging students to think critically, take calculated risks, and identify opportunities for innovation and growth. Throughout the course, students will engage in practical exercises, case studies, and group discussions to apply their learning to real work scenarios. They will also have the opportunity to interact with successful entrepreneurs and industry professionals through guest lectures and networking events.
MEDT3232 Training course (2ساعة معتمدة)
The field training course is one of the requirements for graduation to obtain a bachelor's degree in the Department of Laboratory Medical Sciences, where the student is introduced to the practical and applied side of the various medical examinations that he dealt with during his studies at the university, which are related to medical chemistry, blood, parasitology, general and diagnostic microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, immunology, serology, and the basics Medical tests. The student is also provided with the basic skills related to the process of drawing blood and routine examinations of these different sciences.
MEDT3303 Diagnostic Medical Microbiology (3ساعة معتمدة)
Diagnostic Medical Microbiology course focuses on medical aspects of bacterial pathogens, cultural, biochemical, serological and other unique characteristics that might aid in the process of identification of these pathogens. The course addresses the basic medical bacterial groups in detail (Gram negative and gram-positive bacilli as well as the Gram-negative and positive cocci. In addition, unclassified pathogens and fungi are discussed in details. The practical course includes the different methods and techniques applied for the diagnosis of pathogenic microorganisms isolated from different clinical specimens. Emphasizing on both normal and transient flora of the human body. Methods of collection and handling of different pathological specimens. Introduction to procedures and identification techniques used to isolate and identify bacteria. Morphological, biological, and biochemical characteristics of bacteria commonly isolated from clinical specimens
PSYC1200 Psychology and Life (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the concept of psychology, life, and mental health and the importance of each of them for the individual and society. It also introduces the concept of positive thinking as a way of life, knowing the positive personality traits and distortions of thinking and ways to treat them. The course also deals with identifying some life and social skills such as social taste, such as communication, communication and speech, and constructive dialogue. Problem-solving, decision-making, self-management, knowledge of the causes and types of pressures of contemporary life, and methods for confronting them. The course also addresses the most important problems of youth such as unemployment and free time, migration, psychological alienation, and methods of confronting them. The course also deals with family harmony and knowledge of the foundations for choosing marriage in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The course also deals with the challenges of the digital age, and knowledge and treatment of some problems in the digital age such as electronic blackmail, electronic games, electronic addiction and electronic bullying.
MEDT4235 Bioinformatic (2ساعة معتمدة)
Bioinformatics is a course related to genetics and genomics, transcriptome and proteome is a scientific branch that involves the use of computer technology to collect, store, analyze and disseminate biological data and information, such as DNA sequences, amino acids and annotations about those sequences, stored in various databases such as the World Center for Bio information, Analyzing data related to genes, mutations, and different types of RNA that play a role in the diagnosis and follow-up of cancer diseases.
MEDT3230 Family Sociology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This 2 credit hour course aims to introduce up to date, clinical immunology concepts at a level suitable for students with little prior exposure to immunology. The lectures are delivered by experts in their related research topics to facilitate more in-depth and research-focused discussion of the basic immunology concepts in the class. This half course is routinely taken by beginning immunology trainees, medical residents, as well as trainees enrolled in unrelated graduate programs (ie. biochemistry, medical microbiology, physiology, etc) who wish to have a concise overview of current immunology.
MEDT3308 Clinical Chemistry I (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of clinical chemistry for the students of medical technology departments. After finishing of this course the student will be familiar with most of the routine chemical laboratory tests of renal and liver functions, also disorders of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedure and other technical skills related to these tests.
MEDT3313 Clinical Chemistry II (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of clinical chemistry related to the marker clinical enzymes, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, disorders of amino acids metabolism, clinical toxicology and tumor markers. The student will be able to understand the clinical significance, principle, procedures and other technical skills related to these tests. The student is encouraged to observe closely, describe, and record the observed results accurately and to use experimental evidence in arriving at logical conclusions and interpretations.
MEDT3311 Medical Genetics (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course will provide students with a framework for understanding the field of medical genetics, including an introduction to genetics and genomics in medicine, principles of clinical cytogenetics, disorders of the autosomes and the sex chromosomes, patterns of single-gene inheritance, genetics of common disorders with complex inheritance, genetic variation in individuals and populations, cancer genetics and genomics. The students will have the opportunity to practice by their own hands some advanced techniques applied to the molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases. These include, DNA extraction, Gel electrophoresis, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)and Karyotyping.
MEDT3310 Immunology and Serology (3ساعة معتمدة)
Introduction to immunology . Basic structure and functions of immune system, innate and acquired immunity ,antibody structure, antigen and antigenecity, complement system, lymphocytes education and activation, MHC molecules, immune tolerance, cytokines, immunity to microorganisms
MEDT4221 Medical Virology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is a comprehensive presentation of all the families of human viruses. Course coverage will focus almost entirely on viruses that infect humans and cause serious disease with specific emphasis on pathogenesis mechanisms of virus infection and virus-cell interactions, at cellular and molecular level. Diagnosis of viral infections, vaccines and controls of viral infections are also discussed. Classes include lectures as well as reading and discussion of primary papers which covers topics such as virus entry, viral DNA or RNA replication, transcription, translation, virus assembly and release, persistence, latency, cell lysis and interference. The first part of the course will cover the basic principles and concepts used in the study of viral diseases, modern diagnostic methods and recent advances in the application of molecular virology to the development of recombinant vaccines and other means to combat viral diseases. The second half of the course will include material on the individual diseases and causative viruses.
MEDT3335 Medical Parasitology (3ساعة معتمدة)
The aim of the course is to develop basic knowledge and skill to identify the parasites, diagnosis the diseases caused by them, manage the patients, prevent and control parasitic diseases.
MEDT3334 Clinical Hematology 1 (3ساعة معتمدة)
Is the study of normal and pathologic aspects of blood and blood cells, in this course students learn general cellular structure, function and the morphologic and molecular details of hematopoiesis especially erythropoiesis. Examine mature red blood cell metabolism, hemoglobin structure and function, and the role of iron. The second part of this course describes anemias and how to diagnose different types of anemia.
MEDT4317 Diagnostic Molecular Biology (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course offers an introduction to the newest, fastest-growing field in laboratory science. Explaining and clarifying the molecular techniques used in diagnostic testing. It covers the principles of techniques and instrumentation, and applications of molecular diagnostics. This includes discussions on specimen collection and processing, nucleic acid purification and amplification and detection techniques. The polymerase chain reaction, which is the dominant analytical technique, is presented in a state-of-the-art fashion. The course will cover areas of laboratory diagnosis where conventional techniques fail, such as diagnosis of viruses and rare bacterial strains, cancers, forensics, pharmacogenomics and genetics in a qualitative and quantitative manner. The students will gain the opportunity to be exposed to and practice advanced molecular techniques, such as real time PCR, Fluorescent in situ hybridization, genetic identity determination, conventional PCR and various hybridization techniques.
ITNM1200 Cyberspace and information security (2ساعة معتمدة)
It is a university course that focuses on studying the concepts and challenges of digital security and information security in the electronic environment. The course aims to raise awareness among students about the importance of protecting digital information and data from electronic threats, such as hacking, cyber-attacks, electronic fraud, viruses, and others. It covers the study of encryption methods and tools used to secure information, networks, and digital systems. The course also revolves around digital protection laws, regulations, and ethics related to safe technology and internet use. Its objective is to equip students with the necessary skills to protect personal, sensitive, and institutional information and to handle security in the advanced digital world. This course is fundamental in the field of information security and benefits students interested in technology security and safeguarding digital privacy.
MEDT4226 Advanced Clinical Chemistry (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course is designed to introduce the advanced concepts of clinical chemistry related to the chemical analysis of the newborn, pregnancy, fetal development, renal calculi, gallstones inborn errors of metabolism, vitamins, and transplant recipient. The student will be able to understand how and when validation of the results in chemical analysis is required. The student is encouraged to understand the mechanisms of requesting clinical chemical tests and interpretation of the results.
ISLM1215 Modern Jurisprudence issues (2ساعة معتمدة)
Addresses contemporary problems and issues of jurisprudence that fall within the framework of what is known as the jurisprudence of the home, and the attitude of contemporary jurisprudence thereof, so that the student can develop a contemporary view of the daily life problems and the opinion of Islam therein, such as: insurance, cloning, brain death, organ transfer, milk banks, IVF and other new issues. It aims to: familiarize itself with the provisions of developments in various sections of jurisprudence
MEDT4222 Body Fluids (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course included the study of the normal and abnormal properties and components of the main body fluids, urine, serous, synovial, semen, cerebrospinal, amniotic and sweat. The course will introduce the principle, procedure and clinical significance of the tests performed on these fluids..
MEDT4137 Research (1ساعة معتمدة)
This course will enable the students to participate in the research process in the field work. Contents will focus on problem identification, research design, sampling, data collection and analysis and interpretation of findings. Special attention will be given to develop the ability to criticize research studies related health and to the selection of a researchable problem and the development of a research plan.
MEDT4240 Food Microbiology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to study the most important microbes that reach the food bacteria, fungi, yeast and viruses, which may cause most of the corruption of these foods, whether fresh or even preserved. It also aims to identify some bacteria used in the food industry, The student has the ability to examine food of various kinds whether it is fruit, vegetables or food manufactured in terms of corruption or lack thereof, and identify the type of corruption that occurred and the microbial cause of this corruption, and thus can benefit from the skill acquired by the work in microbiological laboratories Attached to food factories
CHEM1202 Environmental Culture (2ساعة معتمدة)
Introduction to ecology - Concept of ecology - Evolution of the human-environmental relationship - Causes of aggravation of environmental problems - Means of conservation and conservation of the environment - Basic concepts in the environment - Earth's casings - ecosystem fundamentals - solar system components - solar system types - ecosystem balance - energy flow in the ecosystem - food chain and food grid -Ecological pyramids - biogeochemical cycles - gas cycles - sedimentary cycles - air and pollutants - atmospheric layers - air pollution - primary and secondary air pollutants - air protection from pollution - general effects of air pollution - Hydrothermal Effect - Acid Rain - Ozone Hole - Water and Contaminants - Specifications to Be Available in Drinking Water Water Pollution - Types of water contaminants and their damage to human health - Protection of the water environment from pollution - Methods of maintaining drinking water - Soil pollution and means of protection - soil pollution - soil protection from pollution - desertification - food and contaminants - quality food specifications - sources of food pollution - types of food contaminants - use of medicinal drugs in animal production - food additives - environmental contamination with pesticides and toxins - Pesticides-toxins - solid waste - solid waste types - solid waste treatment and disposal - hazardous waste - electronic waste - other pollutants - inland pollution - asbestos (temporary bomb) - electromagnetic pollution - optical pollution - environment in Palestine
MEDT4201 Pharmacology and Toxicology (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course introduces students of medical laboratory sciences program to the basic concepts of pharmacology and toxicology. Topics covered will include drug usage, clinical effects, toxic reactions, and poisoning. The toxicology section of the course will review the more common toxins, their effects, and appropriate treatment. Special attention will be given to the drugs used in the treatment of socially important diseases and to the major classes of toxicants to which the healthcare professionals and medical technicians can be exposed.
MEDT4238 Advanced Hematology (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course describe the complex process of how blood maintained in a liquid state, and then, when an injury occurs, produces a clot to stop the bleeding. Students learn the principles of coagulation theory and coagulation factors. The second part of course provide the disorders of bleeding and thrombosis with learning the different types of drugs used in hemostatic disorders
EDUC1203 Education and sustainable development (2ساعة معتمدة)
Distance identification aims at sustainable development (concept, genesis, goals, dimensions) - Investment in education for sustainable human development - Education from the perspective of the objectives of the sustainable development plan - Security, intellectual security and security education - Security education in the face of the dangers of Israeli occupation - Security education in the face of the dangers of psychological warfare (Rumour, propaganda and its means) - Security education in the face of the risks of competing over non-renewable resources - Security education in the face of the risks of marginalization and social exclusion - Security education in the face of the risks of social networks and smartphones - Security education in the face of the risks of cyberexecution - Security sustainability (Social sustainability - environmental sustainability - economic sustainability - people's participation in sustainable security
MEDT4318 Medical Mycology (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course consists of a basic introduction to medical mycology and a comprehensive study of the fungi (yeasts and molds) and mycoses (fungal diseases) likely to be encountered in clinical settings by a physician, medical mycologist, or medical technologist
MEDT4223 Metabolic Diseases (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed for the medical laboratory and other allied health sciences to understand the fundamental aspects of the Inborn errors of metabolism. Disorders of carbohydrates, lipids, urea cycle and amino acids metabolism. The student will learn about the biochemical origin of these disorders and its harmful effect on the human body. Also he will be able to introduce a good understanding of the laboratory tests used for diagnoses of these inborn errors. By the end of this course the student will be able to understand how to differenciate between these interacted and similar symptoms diseases.
MEDT3325 Embryology & Assisted Reproduction Technology (3ساعة معتمدة)
this course provides a robust and wide-ranging education in human clinical embryology, andrology, and Assisted reproductive techniques, from clinical, research, and laboratory perspectives. The emphasis of the course is on humans, and offers, for example, practical experience in handling and preparing sperm. Throughout the course, student will have a knowledge about the sperm and egg retrieval and, subsequently, assisted conception.
MEDT4320 Clinical Hematology 2 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course will cover the diagnosis and management of blood cell disorders, anatomy and physiology of hematopoiesis, routine specialized hematology tests, analysis, classification, and monitoring of blood cell abnormalities The course is focusing on the functions, disorders and tests of white blood cells, acute and chronic leukaemias, myeloproliferative, lymphoproliferative disorders and nonmalignant leukocyte disorders, The practical work in the course is designed to expand and reinforce the ideas introduced in the lectures.
ITCS1201 Computer and Internet (2ساعة معتمدة)
A basic course for all university students aimed at providing the student with computer skills, introducing the student to the computer and its uses and its software and physical components, identifying the different areas of computer use, as well as introducing the student to the Internet and benefiting from its various services such as email, research, file preservation and communication. The course also aims to provide the student with the skill of installing and uninstalling a program or application, identifying safe sites for programs, clarifying what computer networks are, dealing with them, and using mobile communications, and providing them with the skill to assess the risks and benefits of telemedicine, using Bluetooth technology, and using the NFC tag, as well as using the phone. Smartphone as a mobile phone hotspot, and add a wireless printer to a network. The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of blue eavesdropping, detect an intruder to access your wireless signal, protect against viruses and malware, protect the smartphone from threats, as well as provide the student with the skills necessary to deal with buying and selling sites, and using payment applications securely, and files Cookies, spyware and learn about privacy laws, as well as learn about cybercrime and cybercriminals.
MEDT2309 Medical Histology (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course allows students to learn basic concept of the various disease processes in the body as well ,study of macroscopicµscopic changes or abnormalities in tissue that are cused as aresult of disease,the main use of histopathology in clinical medicine where it typical involves the examination of biopsy (surgical removed sample)or specimen taken from patient for purposes of detailed study by specialist physician called pathologist.
MEDT4228 Cancer Biology (2ساعة معتمدة)
The students will be given insights into the conceptual foundation underlying the modern molecular, cellular and genetic basis for the group of diseases called cancer. The concepts to be covered during the course include: an introduction to the nature of cancer, mechanisms of onco-genesis, the genetic basis for cancer development and the most important hallmarks of cancer.
MEDT4321 Blood Bank (3ساعة معتمدة)
Building up the basic knowledge of serological testing and blood group systems based upon required reading on pre-transfusion testing, clinical conditions associated with immuno-hematology, possible complications of transfusion and the practical aspects of transfusion Medicine. Laboratory session will provide students the opportunity to practice routine pre-transfusion testing procedures
NURS1205 Health and Diet (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed to introduce the study of nutrition in health and health care. The students will study the nutrients and their specific functions in the body. They will learn to apply their knowledge and giving nutritional guidance and teaching their clients and their families concerning their diets. They will learn the nutritional management for malnourished patient and appropriate foods for healthy or unhealthy clients gastrointestinal, cardiovascular diseases, and renal problems, also they will learn the alternatives of oral feedings.
MEDT1204 Medical Ethics (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the following terms: The main objective of the course is to explain how ethical theory can help overcome some of the limitations, and illuminate the ways of solving them. The course deals with ethics, methods and justifications. Ethics is discussed in the topics of genetic changes, cloning, law, the relationship of professional to the patient, industrial enrichment, and behavior control.
MEDT4123 Research Methodology (1ساعة معتمدة)
This course will enable the students to participate in the research process in the field work. Contents will focus on problem identification, research design, sampling, data collection and analysis and interpretation of findings. Special attention will be given to develop the ability to criticize research studies related health and to the selection of a researchable problem and the development of a research plan
ISLM1204 Islamic creed (2ساعة معتمدة)
The definition of the Islamic faith, its characteristics, details the six pillars of faith: faith in God Almighty, faith in angels, faith in heavenly books, faith in prophets and messengers, faith in the other day and its details, faith in judiciary and fate. At the end of the course, the student is able to: * know the knowledge of the faith and its importance. * Distinction between types of uniformity. * Access to the concepts of faith in justice and fate. * Post-death identification from another day and other matters.
MEDT4218 Laboratory Management and Quality Control (2ساعة معتمدة)
Achieving, maintaining and improving accuracy, timeliness and reliability are major challenges for health laboratories. Only sound management of quality in health laboratories will enable countries to produce test results that the international community will trust in cases of international emergency. In this field Palestine in the begging, Bio technology students who will be a part of stakeholders in health laboratory, from management, to administration, to bench-work laboratorians. This course provides an a broad understanding of a laboratory quality management system concepts in healthcare. The course enable the students if they give the opportunity to participate in establishment of Laboratory quality system.
LAW1232 Law culture & human rights (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims at introducing students to legal culture and its importance, human rights and sources, comparing human rights in Islam and international declarations, their definition of rights and duties in the Palestinian Basic Law, the electoral law in Palestine, the exercise of political rights in Palestinian society, Between the Palestinian Personal Status Law and the CEDAW Agreement, and the recognition of international humanitarian law.
MEDT4216 Endocrinology (2ساعة معتمدة)
Endocrinology is an upper level course for students with good background in biology, physiology, and anatomy. The course covers the endocrine system and its hormonal products, including the hormone producing cells, synthesis and modification of the hormones, release and transport of the hormones, hormone receptors and the mechanisms of hormone action, the effects of hormones on target cells, the effects of hormones on physiological processes, as well as the diseases caused by inappropriate hormone functions.also it insist on different laboratory tests used in clinical endocrinology regarding its technical part and interpretation of these tests
LIBR1234 Libraries and information sources (2ساعة معتمدة)
In this course, the student studies multiple learning skills that help him on how to use traditional and electronic libraries in addition to the concept of information sources and their divisions, types and forms of information containers, with different practical examples, as well as how to access information available in the sources through the multiple keys used for each source, in addition to The skill of differentiating between the three terms used in the field (electronic libraries, digital library and virtual library) and the differences between them and traditional libraries. The student also studies the concept, origin, components, requirements and services of the traditional library and the electronic library, and its success factors.