Environment Sustainability

Environment Sustainability

  I'm delighted to welcome you to the website of the Commission on Sustainable University environment at Al-Aqsa University.  In the last years, the global attention has been increased by the concepts of sustainability and the green environment. Sustainability means to use whatever is available from the knowledge and skills for development and exploitation of the local available resources optimally, and reserva More..

Solid Waste management آخر تحديث 7/7/2019 11:31:44 AM

Wastes are one of the most important environmental challenges in the Gaza Strip due to the excessive increase in its population accompanied by increasing quantities of wastes. Al-Aqsa University seeks to reduce the impact of wastes on the environment of the Gaza Strip through the implementation of environmental awareness programs on policies followed to reduce waste generation on campus.  The university is also working on a  project that converts organic wastes from the university into organic fertilizers which can be used in agriculture on the campus.