The unit aims at providing the necessary data and information to support the planning and developing process at the University, conducting surveys on the already existing human cadres as well as finance in order to come to the accurate data about the needs of the University; thus enhancing the strengths and processing the shortcomings in all areas.
Tasks and Duties:
- Effectuating studies related to the academic and administrative aspects in such a way that contributes to the statement of the strategic visions, updating systems and policies as well as supporting the University Administration in decision making.
- Studying the difficulties facing developing programs at the university and proposing solutions for them.
- Conducting studies on the activities of the university, faculties, deanship and the departments of the university.
- Providing statistics about the students; whether the novice, graduates or the undergraduates; in the coordination with the concerned bodies such as: Deanship of Admission and Registration, and Students Affairs.
- Providing the faculties, departments of the university with the points of strength; to be promoted; and the shortcomings to be treated in light of the studies carried out in this domain.
- Participating in the workshops, panels and/or the conferences specialized in the field of planning and studies.
- Issuing brochures and statistical periodic publications about the university.
- Preparing monthly and annual reports regarding the progress of work at the unit.
- Performing whatever authorized to properly.