Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Vision, Mission, Objectives آخر تحديث 5/18/2023 11:05:30 AM


Leadership and excellence in the sports and physical field in light of international quality standards to meet the needs of society and competition at the international level.

the message:

Preparing and qualifying distinguished students in the sports and research fields by creating a stimulating environment and making optimal use of the available resources to contribute to the development and service of society.


Updating and developing specialized educational academic programs, to provide students with knowledge and skills of high quality and efficiency, using the latest educational and training methods.
Encouraging scientific research and developing the research capabilities of the faculty’s employees, by providing a high-level research environment.
Preparing specialized and qualified cadres scientifically and educationally in the field of teaching physical education, as well as to work in the stages of public and private education and the youth and sports sector.
Preparing sports coaches for different sports activities.
Exchanging experiences and information in the field of scientific and technological research with educational and cultural bodies locally and internationally to address common issues.
Linking physical education sciences and their applications and their relationship to serve society and the environment.
Contribute to community service through sports education for practicing sports and its positive effects on public health (spreading health awareness for exercising) for the individual and developing physical education curricula to serve the progress and advancement of society.
Providing a sports infrastructure to support an educational environment that is open to all university students and different segments of society.
Motivating and manufacturing international athletes to participate in the Olympics and World Championships.