Faculty of Fine Arts | Fine Arts - Graphic Design


Department Fine Arts - Graphic Design

Fine Arts - Graphic Design     More..

Course Description آخر تحديث 3/14/2025 9:55:26 AM


ARTG1201 History of graphic design (2ساعة معتمدة)
The history of graphic design Course vocabulary: This course deals with the history of the development of visual communication design since the prehistoric era, until now with an explanation of the most important contemporary graphic design theories, and discusses the relationship of visual communication design patterns and design strategies to the time stages and social conditions for each stage, and the study of cave drawings, the invention of writing, drawings Illustrations, the invention of paper and prints, typography, the evolution of manuscript and book design, photography, poster design, the impact of modern and contemporary art movements and digital media on graphic design and its applications.
ARTE1224 Artistic Anatomy (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course studies the anatomical functions of the internal and external human body in terms of skeletal structure, external musculoskeletal structure and the study of the human body in all its movements, parts and details in the case of stability and in the case of movement. It also helps to train art learners to draw the skeleton with the possibility of shading to highlight the body to enable the learners to draw the human body correctly in different situations and movements
ARTE1215 Designing 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to provide the student with observation and insight skills. It also trains them how to explore the characteristics of things and discover the structural and engineering systems of the elements of nature, and to what extent they contains elements of design such as point, line, color, shape, texture, reflections of shade and light and values of space that permeates or surrounds shapes. To enable the students to understand the concepts of form and content from their origin in order to benefit from them in conducting some experimental studies on some selected elements of nature.
ARTP1239 Color theory in design (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part at the same time. In the theoretical part, the student is introduced to the concept of colors, their properties, color theories, how they originate and its features, and the most important research and theories related to color such as the theories of Chevrol, Mensel, Azult, Newton, etc., historical developments and applications. The practical of these theories on the artwork and its use in the works of different artists, the student gets acquainted with the color system, its characteristics, its relationships, its visual, behavioral and physiological effects, and its formation values. As for the practical part, the student is introduced to how to use color through weaving pigment colors and mixing light rays and applying what the student learned theoretically in Projects to strengthen the skill of using colors and how to control the tools used in implementation.
ARTE1222 Drawing2 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course focuses on enhancing the artistic skills studied by the student in Drawing 1 by developing the skills of nature observations and the ability to select and distribute the elements within the vacuum and the general framework, taking into account the foundations of the artistic work. It also focuses on the skills of the properties of degrees (dull and luminous) and near and far and the perspective of the vacuum, and the property of different contactors of raw materials through coal and Chinese ink and water colors and gash in various applications of human and animal elements and landscapes taking in consideration their characteristics.
ARTP1201 applications in design 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to focus on the application of design elements and its aesthetic foundations, through the visual treatment of elements of nature and the surroundings, and to stand on aesthetic concepts and solutions, methods of modification, abstraction and reduction of nature elements in a graphic language and employing them in a variety of aesthetic plastic formations by addressing contemporary design issues, designing logo patterns and how to deal with them. With the photograph and employing it in graphic designs by designing a visual identity.
ARTD1338 Technical and geometrical Drawing (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course focuses on providing students with engineering drawing skills by reviewing engineering drawing tools and methods of using them. Types of lines and their uses. The course also focuses on developing the skill of vertical projection by analyzing three-dimensional shapes into elevations and vice versa, as well as drawing three-dimensional shapes using the isometric method, and the technique of dimensions print. In addition, in this course, the student learns to draw perspective as an important tool in visual expression. The student learns the basic principles of drawing the external and the internal perspective
ARTE1211 Drawing 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims at presenting knowledge, appreciation and practical experiences by explaining the concept of drawing, its fields and its most important raw materials and tools. It also providing students with new concepts about constructive aspects and aesthetic laws in nature. The course aims to provide the student with aesthetic meditation and observing skills, relying on visual facts, emphasizing the concept of good composition and the elements of drawing board construction, strengthening student skills on free drawing, performing studies of black and white techniques. As well as training in studies of perspective, shadow and light, and highlight the nature of materials and forms as diverse as they are in reality.
ARTE1214 Hand Crafts 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to increase the student's awareness and develop their knowledge of the various materials and the possibilities of employing them in art works. Also introducing the various materials, tools, and doughs. Moreover, the course aims to provide the student with the skills and methods of research to found new ideas for innovative works art to apply it in an aesthetic formulation of a valuable objects by using essential materials such as: materials of nature, paper quilling, mosaic, doughs, and
ARTG1218 Introduction to graphic design (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to use Photoshop tools, identify different types of images and methods of processing them, and the ability to use and reuse images in a manner commensurate with the goal of design.
ARAB1206 Arabic 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
- Introduce to students the most characteristics of Arabic and advantages. - Insert the membership of Arabic through learning about the most important challenges. - Rise student's presentation of Arabic expression and methods in writing. - Improve student's skills in tasting, understanding and analyzing Arabic poetry in the past and modern. - Learn to students about the story's art, essay, elements and characteristics. - Enrich student's abilities to control their linguistic uses through the applied recruitment of syntactical rules. - Enrich students' abilities to control the writing through the applied recruitment of spelling rules and punctuation.
ISLM1201 Holy Quran (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to protect the book of God from distortion in fulfillment of His saying: (Indeed, We have sent down the remembrance, and we will preserve it). Memorizing some surahs of the Noble Qur’an.
HIST1201 The Palestinian Case (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with the Palestinian cause from its early beginnings with the direction of the French campaign to the east and the struggle with Britain to protect its colonial interests, passing through the Ottoman historical era, the period of organizations and the constitution and the corresponding Zionist activity in Europe, and how the First World War affected Palestine and its fall under occupation and then the British Mandate. The role of the mandate in establishing the national home and the Jewish state in Palestine.
ARTE1202 Palestinian folklore (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course explores the roots of Palestinian folk arts and identifies their main centers in Palestine. It also gives the students an overview of the essential Palestinian folk industries such as pottery, ceramics, glass, textile, straw and bamboo, metal works, and Palestinian folk embroidery.
SPOR1201 Culture in Sports Sciences (2ساعة معتمدة)
- The course aims to learn about the concept of sport and fitness Scientific foundations of warm-up. moderate and moderate strength. Basic principles for the acquisition of health and physical activity. Diseases of immobility and fitness. Ingredients for food and sports nutrition. Steroids, supplements and the negative effects of drugs and smoking on human health.
PHYS1225 Sciences in our life (2ساعة معتمدة)
(mechanics - properties of matter - heat - sound - light - electricity - modern physics - medical physics...) and presents them in a simple presentation with a focus on daily life observations and some natural phenomena. The course also exposes some of the familiar ideas, inventions and devices that It influenced people's lives and interpreted them from a physical perspective without being exposed to the complexities of laws and derivations known in the study of physics
RATV1200 Media & Society (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course provides a degree of knowledge of the development of radio, television, journalism, cinema and new media globally, Arab and Palestinian, and knowledge of the political, social and commercial dimensions of social networks, and the course aims to clarify the extent of the impact of the media on society and to identify the role of the media in society and its importance in its formation, and provide students with the basic skills of media education, and the skills of critical thinking of media content, and also aims to clarify the positive and negative effects of the media, conflict and integration between the new media The course seeks to keep abreast of local, national or global developments, and is studied in all its aspects and put forward for discussion with students and follow-up on what is presented on the subject, taking into account several considerations, the most important of which is the novelty of the subject and its importance for students of different disciplines as well as their relationship with society
ARTP1225 Music Culture (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to introduce the musical texture, musical formulation, vocal character, and types of human voices. Reviews international and Arabic classical musical tracks, opera, operetta, and ballet music. All of these subjects will be studied by listening to and watching them in order to create a musical cultural inventory for the student.
ARTP1213 Fine Painting 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to educate the students in the concept of painting and show the essential differences between it and drawing. The course also interduces the painting materials and its tools, and the skills of dealing with oily and acrylic materials, taking into account the correct use of these materials of events and gradations to promote the concept of near and long through the formations of silent nature.
ARTE2233 Aesthetics of Arabic calligraphy (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course introduces the origin and evolution of Arabic calligraphy and a review of the Arabic fonts' types, their characteristics, and the aesthetic values of the Arabic alphabet. It also offers the study of the Arabic fonts, including the analysis of the unique characteristics of each type, its functional and aesthetic role, and practice them professionally to reach the expert.
ENGL1207 English 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This is a preliminary course that mainly focuses on general English language social skills. It introduces the students to the different language skills in an integral manner. The course is based on a strong lexical component where the students are expected to read for comprehension. This course enables them to acquire new vocabulary, develop grammar knowledge and develop the language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing. An integrated approach is applied throughout this course for students to acquire both fluency and accuracy by using basic reading techniques such as scanning, skimming, taking notes while listening; writing formal and informal letters, filling in forms, and describing people and places.
ARTP2328 Drawing 3 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course seeks to develop the student's skills in drawing life elements, and to study sufficiently to draw the human body in its various positions, with a focus on the formal relations between the whole and the part in the composition and its relationship to the idea with an analytical view of a specific topic, by drawing free and quick sketches, and drawing the human body and the silent and living nature Using different types of pens and colors, with a focus on highlighting the characteristics of the elements and the richness of the visual and aesthetic appearance of the work.
ARTP2232 Renewing Artistic Images (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course includes a general theoretical introduction to the preservation and maintenance of artistic works and monuments in the arts of architecture, decoration, sculpture, furniture, ceramics, textiles, and other crafts. It includes: diagnosing the existing problems in the artwork in its location, photographing it in the appropriate way, how to remove dust, dirt and old varnish, identifying the reasons for peeling layers of color and treating them, repairing scratches and holes and making the appropriate “retouches”, in which students also practice practical training in Sites and ceremonies on real and virtual works.
ARTG2211 Graphic Design 2 (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims at how to design multi-page publications (newspapers, brochures, magazines, books) of all forms, learn about printed graphic design standards and apply them through the use of the Adobe InDesign desktop publishing design program, as well as dealing with images, texts, and the mechanism of preparing files for digital printing.
ARTG2201 Advertising theory (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course focuses on students studying the history and development of advertising and its basic concepts. It also deals with the study of advertising types, functions and components. It includes the stages of advertising design and the selection of advertising means. This course also deals with the study of consumer behavior and the factors affecting it, and the identification of advertising ethics and theories.
BIOL1201 LIFE AND NATURE (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course touches upon the study of energy flow in the biological system, the composition of the living matter, and the role of plants in the biological system. Furthermore, it helps in recognizing life through studying aspects of life and behaviors of some living organisms, besides studying the human body structure and its ability to maintain the body homeostasis.
JOUR1200 Digital media and content creation (2ساعة معتمدة)
In this course, the student is introduced to the basic concepts of media and communication, their types, functions, characteristics and different features and the difference between each of them, in addition to identifying the concepts of digital media, its means, functions, and communication characteristics, specifically those related to the effects of the Internet and the developments of communication technology, as well as It is devoted to social networks and their types, roles, and various functions, and society members manufacture media content as part of their active participation in the Internet environment, as well as critiquing this content, and identifying digital privacy and digital security challenges, and finally the course presents the ethics of digital media.
ARTG1202 Graphic Design 1 (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to teach the Photoshop program on a large scale and the initial education of the Illustrator program for the development of artistic works and creative technology. Students in this course are trained in the different methods and approaches to implement and design the logo (logo). Students also study models of the most important local and international logo designs with the appropriateness of the logo to the nature of the product or Enterprise.
GEOG1202 Geography of Palestine (2ساعة معتمدة)
The student is expected to be familiar with the following topics: Study the location, position, geological formations, topography, and climate. Study of water resources, natural plants, and soil types for Palestine. In addition to studying the economic activity of the population. Study of population growth in Palestine in addition to the geographical reality of the city of Jerusalem
SOCI1204 Palestinian society problems (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is one of the university's elective requirements, which aims primarily to study social problems in Palestinian society as one of the phenomena that most affect the stability and development of society. It deals with the patterns of social problems in the Palestinian society, their dimensions, the influencing factors, and the mechanisms for confronting them, discussing the family and educational problems, the problems of women and children, the problems of juvenile delinquency, the problems of youth, the problems of crime and delinquency, the economic problems, and the risks of globalization on the Palestinian family and society
EDUC2266 E-learning and its applications (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the following topics: concepts and theories related to e-learning, types and environments of e-learning, stages of design in e-learning, organizational and executive rules for e-learning, and the role of administration, students and teachers in e-learning and their skills. The course also provides students with the necessary skills to deal with e-learning tools and programs. The course seeks to provide students with positive attitudes towards e-learning and its applications in teaching, as well as looking comprehensively in terms of e-learning in institutions in general, theoretical and practical application of a group of famous applications in e-learning such as Moodle and Classroom and some webinar programs such as Zoom and Meet.
ARTE2211 -Arts Medieval History (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course includes the study of medieval arts in Europe such as Christian, Byzantine, Roman and Gothic, Renaissance in its various centers, Baroque and Raccoo art until the beginning of the classical renaissance and the study of Islamic art from its inception to the Ottoman Empire in its various centers.
ARTG3248 Character and background design (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims at how to design, draw and develop characters and backgrounds for illustrations and animations and the ability to transform a written idea into a painting or a narrative scene through creative thinking in solving design problems, understanding aesthetic and technical considerations, and achieving the practical function of the scene using computers and modern technology in design and taking into account the output with the required efficiency according to to expected functionality and performance.
ARTG3249 Story board (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to get acquainted with the stages of production of visual artwork and to learn about the structure of the storyboard, camera shots and angles, as well as camera movements and the basic rules in directing skills as a theoretical part, to achieve logical storytelling and verify the integrity of the work plan before starting the actual production process. Where the student applies directing skills in executing and drawing comics by hand drawing or digital drawing with the aim of using it later in making films, animations, advertisements, etc..
ARTE1201 History of Ancient Arts (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course explores the history of art through the ages. In which the students learn about the arts of the ancient and western world in the field of photography, sculpture, architecture and applied arts in ancient times, from the Stone Age to cross the Bronze to the Iron Ages. Its also shows the arts of ancient civilizations including the Egyptian civilizations, Mesopotamia, Canaanite, Greek, Trotsky, and Roman civilizations
ARTP2321 Painting 2 (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course focuses on deepening the artistic experiences gained by the student through his study of the painting course (1), students discovering their own styles and confirming them by deepening the student’s experiences in drawing using various color materials, developing students’ capabilities in the art of portraiture in caring for the general structure of the composition within the painting And the development of students' capabilities in making sketches and studies of human body movements.
TECH1222 General Safety (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to provide students with knowledge and special trends of professional security and safety provisions in general, and in school in particular, which makes students take preventive action in work or in the place of their presence to avoid the risk of different exposure, how to get first aid for themselves and others in case of injury .This course consists of the following topics: the definition and development of professional safety , recognizing some definitions of professional safety, accidents and the main rules to avoid it , and reducing it ,the right rules of safety treatment with handicraft tools, safety at educational facilities, first aid and ways to give aid for some injuries, reasons of fires and how putting it out , emergencies in wars of various kinds, security and home safety.
ISLM1202 Biography of the Prophet mohammed (2ساعة معتمدة)
At the end of the course the student is able to: Identify the Prophet's biography from birth until his death. Identify the most important invasions that occurred in the age of the Prophet (PBUH). The student should recognize the difficulties and risks faced by the Prophet in inviting him to God Almighty.
ARTG3221 Digital printing (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the field of digital printing, how to deal with digital printing equipment and understand techniques in this field such as file formats, page preparation, color adjustment, final finishes, converting digital designs into high-quality printed products, and focus To improve, modify and adjust designs to meet the requirements of digital printing
ARTP2252 landscape Painting (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to train the student on the open vision outside the studio, seeing the perspective in its various forms, the comprehensive panoramic view of the scene, tracking the movement of shadows and lights at different times, monitoring the changes that occur on surfaces, their textures, and expression. It is produced by the student with different raw materials. And focus on the local scene and realistic and natural style.
ARTG3252 Animation principles (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to identify what animation is, how to prepare and implement simple animation, and to identify the elements of movement and time as basic dimensions in showing the shape and movement of drawn elements, using the (MOHO) program, where the student gets to know the interface and tools of the program and exploits its capabilities that it provides in producing an animated artwork .
ARTG4130 field traning (1ساعة معتمدة)
Through this course, the student is trained in the field in order to go through the practical experience of the courses he studied in the department through his training in official and private companies and institutions that work in the field of graphic design. The student submits a detailed report on each training period and discusses it with the professor supervising the course. The expected outputs will be his assimilation of the prescribed applications on the ground, identification of the local market in the field of graphic design, in addition to identification of the foundations of work in these companies in terms of dealing with customers, and strengthening team spirit in teamwork.
ARTG3202 E-marketing and freelancing (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with the most important foundations and principles of commercial promotion and marketing, getting to know the local and international labor market through freelance websites and platforms on the Internet specialized in the graphic field, as well as getting acquainted with the methodology of design thinking and methods of dealing with various accounts, cards and bank cards, in addition to learning the skills of communication, persuasion and content writing. and dealing with clients
ARTP3329 Drawing 4 (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to develop the student's skills in drawing life elements, and adequately study drawing the human body in its various positions, with a focus on the formal relationships between the whole and the part in the composition and its relationship to the idea with an analytical view of a specific subject, through drawing free and quick sketches, drawing the human body and conceptual drawing using different types Of pens and colors, with a focus on highlighting the characteristics of the elements and the richness of the visual and aesthetic appearance of the work.
ARTP3235 Engraving and printing (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to identify printing and dyeing methods using manual techniques, to print various types of printing art, printing knots, binding and engraving, printing batik art with its performance and composition capabilities, printing with small molds and one design (graphic), printing with hollow silk screens, and implementing them in plastic aesthetic formulations, logos Personal photos executed on different printing surfaces
ARTP3200 applications in design 2 (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course provides advanced skills in designing a visual identity using Adobe Illustrator. It introduces principles and techniques for creating effective visual identities, in addition to developing and updating a visual identity, including logo design, printing and color techniques to create professional-quality designs.
ARTP3322 Painting 3 (3ساعة معتمدة)
Oil painting and painting in acrylic colors / portraiture / criticism and study of international works of art in portraiture / figure painting
ARTG3201 Graphic Design 3 (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims at how to design multi-page publications (newspapers, brochures, magazines, books) of all forms, learn about printed graphic design standards and apply them through the use of the Adobe InDesign desktop publishing design program, as well as dealing with images, texts, and the mechanism of preparing files for digital printing.
ARTG4201 Graphic Design 4 (2ساعة معتمدة)
Providing the student with the skill of dealing with audio files and producing radio reports through the Adobe Audition program
ARTD2260 Architecture and islamic Art (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with a detailed explanation of the history and development of Islamic art and architecture, and the factors affecting them. Reviews the most famous Islamic buildings in various historical eras, starting from the first Islamic era through the Golden Age and ending with the Ottoman period. The course includes the study and analysis of decorative styles across different Islamic historical periods. The course also examines models for some ancient buildings in Palestine in terms of defining the Islamic style of these buildings, their most important elements, and features.
ARTP3246 The Palestinian Fine Movement (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to study a historical introduction into the four cultural influences on the Palestinian plastic arts, such as the ancient arts in Palestine, Christian art, Islamic art, and folk art, and the impact of these arts on the performances of Palestinian artists. Also, a statement of the impact of political incidents that affected Palestine and their reflection on expressive methods, and a study of the arts before the 1948 and post-1967 period, and even the stage of the entry of the Palestinian Authority to the Palestinian methods. Including divisions that contributed to the diversity of Palestinian artists' styles in terms of their geographical presence, such as the styles of the Palestinian artist in occupied Palestine, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Arab world and the diaspora. The emergence of poster art as a resistant shroud
ARTE3211 History of Modern Art (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course includes the study of contemporary world art, starting with the classical school of the 20th century and the pioneers of the 19th century art group such as the Barbizon group, realism, impressionism, post-Impressionism, brutality, expressionism, cubism, nationalism, abstraction, futurism, surrealism and concepts. Modernism and later schools and artistic trends until the end of the twentieth century.
ARTP4323 Painting 4 (3ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the study and analysis of contemporary painting, in terms of content, ideas, raw materials, contemporary painting techniques, and the implementation of painting techniques in contemporary paintings.
ARAB1217 Palestinian Literature (2ساعة معتمدة)
1- Learn about the historical dimension, relationship to the contents of Palestinian literature, and political, social and cultural reality in Palestine. 2- Study the impact of Palestinian reality on literature, and keep up with the situation in various stages. 3- Familiarity with the most prominent figures of Palestinian literature in poetry and prose, some of their works, and the impact of these works on the reality. 4- Identify the difficulties and obstacles faced the researchers in Palestinian literature, especially in the early stages of his history. 5- Identify the most prominent researchers and pioneers in Palestinian literature, their history, and their role in bringing it into existence. 6- It includes many artistic and objective issues in literary types, and multiple trends in analysis and criticism with clarifying its development stages and the most prominent figures and characteristics.
PSYC1200 Psychology and Life (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the concept of psychology, life, and mental health and the importance of each of them for the individual and society. It also introduces the concept of positive thinking as a way of life, knowing the positive personality traits and distortions of thinking and ways to treat them. The course also deals with identifying some life and social skills such as social taste, such as communication, communication and speech, and constructive dialogue. Problem-solving, decision-making, self-management, knowledge of the causes and types of pressures of contemporary life, and methods for confronting them. The course also addresses the most important problems of youth such as unemployment and free time, migration, psychological alienation, and methods of confronting them. The course also deals with family harmony and knowledge of the foundations for choosing marriage in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The course also deals with the challenges of the digital age, and knowledge and treatment of some problems in the digital age such as electronic blackmail, electronic games, electronic addiction and electronic bullying.
BUSA1200 Leadership & Entrepreneurship Skills (2ساعة معتمدة)
Leadership and Entrepreneurship Skills is a course aimed at developing students' knowledge and skills in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship. This course focuses on enhancing their abilities in team leadership, effective decision-making, and promoting innovation and creativity in a business context. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to various theories and models of leadership, gaining insights into different leadership styles and approaches. They will learn about the qualities and characteristics of successful leaders and how to apply them in real work scenarios. Additionally, the course will cover topics such as communication skills, conflict resolution, and motivation techniques, all of which are essential for effective leadership. The entrepreneurship component of the course includes introducing students to the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship and the process of business creation and management. They will learn about opportunity discovery, market analysis, business planning, and resource management. The course also emphasizes the development of an entrepreneurial mindset, encouraging students to think critically, take calculated risks, and identify opportunities for innovation and growth. Throughout the course, students will engage in practical exercises, case studies, and group discussions to apply their learning to real work scenarios. They will also have the opportunity to interact with successful entrepreneurs and industry professionals through guest lectures and networking events.
ITNM1200 Cyberspace and information security (2ساعة معتمدة)
It is a university course that focuses on studying the concepts and challenges of digital security and information security in the electronic environment. The course aims to raise awareness among students about the importance of protecting digital information and data from electronic threats, such as hacking, cyber-attacks, electronic fraud, viruses, and others. It covers the study of encryption methods and tools used to secure information, networks, and digital systems. The course also revolves around digital protection laws, regulations, and ethics related to safe technology and internet use. Its objective is to equip students with the necessary skills to protect personal, sensitive, and institutional information and to handle security in the advanced digital world. This course is fundamental in the field of information security and benefits students interested in technology security and safeguarding digital privacy.
ISLM1204 Islamic creed (2ساعة معتمدة)
The definition of the Islamic faith, its characteristics, details the six pillars of faith: faith in God Almighty, faith in angels, faith in heavenly books, faith in prophets and messengers, faith in the other day and its details, faith in judiciary and fate. At the end of the course, the student is able to: * know the knowledge of the faith and its importance. * Distinction between types of uniformity. * Access to the concepts of faith in justice and fate. * Post-death identification from another day and other matters.
CHEM1202 Environmental Culture (2ساعة معتمدة)
Introduction to ecology - Concept of ecology - Evolution of the human-environmental relationship - Causes of aggravation of environmental problems - Means of conservation and conservation of the environment - Basic concepts in the environment - Earth's casings - ecosystem fundamentals - solar system components - solar system types - ecosystem balance - energy flow in the ecosystem - food chain and food grid -Ecological pyramids - biogeochemical cycles - gas cycles - sedimentary cycles - air and pollutants - atmospheric layers - air pollution - primary and secondary air pollutants - air protection from pollution - general effects of air pollution - Hydrothermal Effect - Acid Rain - Ozone Hole - Water and Contaminants - Specifications to Be Available in Drinking Water Water Pollution - Types of water contaminants and their damage to human health - Protection of the water environment from pollution - Methods of maintaining drinking water - Soil pollution and means of protection - soil pollution - soil protection from pollution - desertification - food and contaminants - quality food specifications - sources of food pollution - types of food contaminants - use of medicinal drugs in animal production - food additives - environmental contamination with pesticides and toxins - Pesticides-toxins - solid waste - solid waste types - solid waste treatment and disposal - hazardous waste - electronic waste - other pollutants - inland pollution - asbestos (temporary bomb) - electromagnetic pollution - optical pollution - environment in Palestine
LIBR1234 Libraries and information sources (2ساعة معتمدة)
In this course, the student studies multiple learning skills that help him on how to use traditional and electronic libraries in addition to the concept of information sources and their divisions, types and forms of information containers, with different practical examples, as well as how to access information available in the sources through the multiple keys used for each source, in addition to The skill of differentiating between the three terms used in the field (electronic libraries, digital library and virtual library) and the differences between them and traditional libraries. The student also studies the concept, origin, components, requirements and services of the traditional library and the electronic library, and its success factors.
EDUC1203 Education and sustainable development (2ساعة معتمدة)
Distance identification aims at sustainable development (concept, genesis, goals, dimensions) - Investment in education for sustainable human development - Education from the perspective of the objectives of the sustainable development plan - Security, intellectual security and security education - Security education in the face of the dangers of Israeli occupation - Security education in the face of the dangers of psychological warfare (Rumour, propaganda and its means) - Security education in the face of the risks of competing over non-renewable resources - Security education in the face of the risks of marginalization and social exclusion - Security education in the face of the risks of social networks and smartphones - Security education in the face of the risks of cyberexecution - Security sustainability (Social sustainability - environmental sustainability - economic sustainability - people's participation in sustainable security
LAW1232 Law culture & human rights (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims at introducing students to legal culture and its importance, human rights and sources, comparing human rights in Islam and international declarations, their definition of rights and duties in the Palestinian Basic Law, the electoral law in Palestine, the exercise of political rights in Palestinian society, Between the Palestinian Personal Status Law and the CEDAW Agreement, and the recognition of international humanitarian law.
ITCS1201 Computer and Internet (2ساعة معتمدة)
A basic course for all university students aimed at providing the student with computer skills, introducing the student to the computer and its uses and its software and physical components, identifying the different areas of computer use, as well as introducing the student to the Internet and benefiting from its various services such as email, research, file preservation and communication. The course also aims to provide the student with the skill of installing and uninstalling a program or application, identifying safe sites for programs, clarifying what computer networks are, dealing with them, and using mobile communications, and providing them with the skill to assess the risks and benefits of telemedicine, using Bluetooth technology, and using the NFC tag, as well as using the phone. Smartphone as a mobile phone hotspot, and add a wireless printer to a network. The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of blue eavesdropping, detect an intruder to access your wireless signal, protect against viruses and malware, protect the smartphone from threats, as well as provide the student with the skills necessary to deal with buying and selling sites, and using payment applications securely, and files Cookies, spyware and learn about privacy laws, as well as learn about cybercrime and cybercriminals.
ARTE4202 Aesthetics (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course deals with the study of aesthetics, trends and facts, and explain the definition of the aesthetics and its standards and its relation to art, starting with a review of the aesthetics of ancient civilizations, reviewing the principles of Islamic aesthetics and the concept of aesthetics and art in modern human thought. This course also investigates the Philosophical theories of aesthetics beginning from the Greek classical philosophy of aesthetics, and the philosophical views of many philosophers in the eighteenth century such as Baumgarten, Hume, Barclay, Luke, Kent, Hegel and others up to the review of aesthetic theories in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and its applications on the contemporary fine arts.
ARTG4202 Motion Graphic (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to identify the methods and types of bone structure, how to prepare and implement advanced animation, an extension of the applications of animation principles, identify the elements of movement and time as basic dimensions in showing the shape and movement of drawn elements smoothly, and create advanced animation films and clips.
ISLM1215 Modern Jurisprudence issues (2ساعة معتمدة)
Addresses contemporary problems and issues of jurisprudence that fall within the framework of what is known as the jurisprudence of the home, and the attitude of contemporary jurisprudence thereof, so that the student can develop a contemporary view of the daily life problems and the opinion of Islam therein, such as: insurance, cloning, brain death, organ transfer, milk banks, IVF and other new issues. It aims to: familiarize itself with the provisions of developments in various sections of jurisprudence
ARTG2212 Photography (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims at introducing the student to the basics of photography, explaining the exposure triangle and forming the image correctly. The student is trained in photography using a mobile phone, editing photos through a mobile phone, and practical applications about photography.
ARTG4210 Graphic Design 6 (2ساعة معتمدة)
Expanding students' knowledge and skills in the field of graphic design and developing their creative and technical abilities, through analysis and interpretation of contemporary graphic works and absorbing recent developments in the field of design, and directing students to develop their artistic and technical skills Students and conducting advanced research in the field of design
ARTG4200 Graphic Design 5 (2ساعة معتمدة)
A comprehensive introduction to motion graphics will be provided using Adobe After Effects. The course will cover basic and advanced techniques such as explaining keyframes, motion graphics, and sound compositing. At the end of the course, students will complete a final project to apply all the acquired skills.
ARTP4141 Graduation project research (1ساعة معتمدة)
The student submits theoretical research on the topic of the graduation project of his choice with the supervising teacher, and the project is on a topic related to what the student studied in the department, and a committee from the department discusses and evaluates the research plan before the student begins writing a topic Which qualifies him to offer the graduation project course later.
ARTG4212 Animated infographic (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course aims to enable students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to design and create animated infographics in an effective and attractive way, how to build a sequential and logical story to add vitality and dynamism to the infographics, and the use of movement, transitions and visual effects, through a set of programs, including Adobe After Effects
ARTG4244 XD Design (2ساعة معتمدة)
Enable students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to design user interfaces, study potential users and analyze their needs and preferences. The focus is on analyzing user behavior and identifying problems that users may encounter in interacting with the interface, and how to organize and design user interface elements in a logical and orderly manner, including arranging menus, buttons, forms, icons, colors, graphics, texts, and others.
ARTE3230 Museums and Art Galleries (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course reviews the history of museums, their philosophy, the study of their management, their preservation, and how to keep it save. It also illustrates the bases of art work presentation and highlighting their educational and scientific role. The course also reviews the types of art galleries, their philosophy, and the principles of preparing them and the methods of showing the art works and their pedagogical role.
ARTE3204 Taste and Art Criticism (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course interduces the principles, theories, and approaches appreciation and criticism at the philosophical and esthetic levels. It also aims to develop the students' ability of appreciation and how to deal with the scientific tools related to artistic criticism in the field of analysis and evaluation of artistic works and enhancing the communication between the art work and the interested audience.
ARTP3211 Contemporary Art (2ساعة معتمدة)
The course deals with the social, economic, and cultural changes in society. It also presents contemporary artistic, social, and philosophical topics and addresses these issues within modern art methods. Moreover, it illustrates how creative artists handled current issues and how these issues influenced their work.
ARTP4342 Graduation Project (3ساعة معتمدة)
This course aims to employ the students' acquired experiences throughout their four-year study in a project. In this project, the seniors show their skills and creativity in their fields. Each senior has to design and implement their project to show their skills and abilities to introduce a product evaluated by their supervisor.
ARTG3312 Fixed infographic (3ساعة معتمدة)
Providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and create effective and attractive infographics by teaching students how to read and analyze complex data and complex information and organize them in a smooth and understandable way using popular infographic design tools and programs, such as Adobe Illustrator
NURS1205 Health and Diet (2ساعة معتمدة)
This course is designed to introduce the study of nutrition in health and health care. The students will study the nutrients and their specific functions in the body. They will learn to apply their knowledge and giving nutritional guidance and teaching their clients and their families concerning their diets. They will learn the nutritional management for malnourished patient and appropriate foods for healthy or unhealthy clients gastrointestinal, cardiovascular diseases, and renal problems, also they will learn the alternatives of oral feedings.