Information Technology Center

Information Technology Center

The rapid development in the field of information technology makes the adoption of the latest information technology tools are a prerequisites for success and excellence to serve learning process and facilitate all administrative and academic tasks at higher education institutions  to increase the level of outcomes and services quality which are provided by information technology affairs that has a clear impact in improving More..

Vision, Mission and Goals آخر تحديث 10/10/2021 10:55:57 AM

Information technology  affairs aims to be distinguish locally and regionally in the employment of the latest tools of information and communication technology to service the university components, scientific research and community service, according to the quality standards.

Information Technology  affairs aims to  implement the modern technology in information and communication at Al-Aqsa university to raise the level of satisfaction of university employees and to streamline the transmission of information among  the university components to support  making decisions through the development of infrastructure for information and communications technology also develop a software and provide appropriate applications, that can be used effectively and efficiently to support the processes of learning and teaching and scientific research, and improving the quality of information technology services which are provided to employees of the university and the community, and increase technological awareness to contribute in the development of  the society. Information Technology affairs is committed to through achieved its vision of Arab and Islamic culture, and human rights principles which includes responsibility, and assurance to the rule of law, intelligibility, acceptance, justice, equality, and participation with corporate.

1. Develop the infrastructure of information technology and communications systems at the university.
2. Automate the academic and administrative processes at the university.
3. Improving the quality of electronic services for all employees of the university.
4. Qualify trained teamwork with high efficiency in the field of information and communication technology.
5. Development of digital library and digital repository.
6. Develop the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning (e-learning) at Al-Aqsa University.
7. Develop an alternative communication system for emergency cases.
8. Provide quality services in the fields of information technology and communications to the local and regional communities.
9. Assess the performance and services which are provided by Information Technology for beneficiaries.