Sociology | study plan


Department study plan

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study plan آخر تحديث 12/22/2024 6:42:08 PM


Subject Type / Department Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
2SOCI1319Rural Sociology3FIRST
3SOCI1317History of Social Thought3FIRST
4SOCI1313Introduction to Social Work3FIRST
5SOCI1215Principles of political science2FIRST
6SOCI1219 Sociology of family2FIRST
7SOCI1212Introduction to Philosophy2FIRST
8SOCI2321Social Change3SECOND
9SOCI2314Social Research methods3SECOND
10SOCI2215Methods of social work2SECOND
11SOCI2216Educational Sociology2SECOND
12SOCI2212Urban Sociololgy2SECOND
13SOCI2219Intervention in resolving disputes2SECOND
14SOCI2211Social Statistics2SECOND
15SOCI3331Social theories3THIRD
16SOCI3316Social Problems3THIRD
17SOCI3311Political Sociology3THIRD
18SOCI3230Design and implementation of social research2THIRD
19SOCI3220Professional practice in Social work 12THIRD
20SOCI3219Sociology of Organization2THIRD
21SOCI3231Field Training 12THIRD
22SOCI4218Field Training 22FOURTH
23SOCI4217Degrading practice in social work 22FOURTH
24SOCI4215Graduation project2FOURTH
25SOCI4213Social Texts (E)2FOURTH
26SOCI4313Sociology of Crime3FOURTH
Total Hours61 Hour Required Hours61 Hour
Subject Type / Department Elective Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1SOCI2333Economic sociology3SECOND
2SOCI2324School of social work3SECOND
3SOCI3317Social Planning & Development3THIRD
4SOCI3315Industrial Sociology3THIRD
5SOCI3313Demographic Sociology3THIRD
6SOCI4331Theories treatment in social work3FOURTH
7SOCI4328Comprehensive Rehabilitation3FOURTH
8SOCI4329Teens & Youth care3FOURTH
9SOCI4320Sociology of Women3FOURTH
10SOCI4318 Sociology of Religion3FOURTH
11SOCI4319Medical Sociology3FOURTH
Total Hours33 Hour Required Hours15 Hour
Subject Type / University Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ISLM1101Holy Quran 11FIRST
2ISLAM1247Prophet's Biography2FIRST
3ISLM1204Islamic creed2FIRST
4HIST1205Jerusalem & palestinian cause2FIRST
5ARAB1206Arabic 12FIRST
6ENGL1207English 12SECOND
7COMP1208Computer skills2SECOND
8LIBR1209Study Skills & Research2SECOND
Total Hours16 Hour Required Hours16 Hour
Subject Type / Faculty Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ARAB1253Arabic Language II2FIRST
2HIST1236History of Greater Syria During Islamic Rule2FIRST
3LIBR1201Palestinian Library2FIRST
4GEOG1203Regional Studies2FIRST
5SOCI1202Introduction to Sociology2FIRST
6GEOG1201Geography of Islamic World2FIRST
7ENGL2251English Language 22SECOND
8ISLM2209Ethics in Islam2SECOND
9ISLM3208Jurisprudence of Islamic2THIRD
Total Hours18 Hour Required Hours18 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-A)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
2HIST1212History of palestine2FOURTH
3ISLM1215Modern Jurisprudence issues2FOURTH
4ISLM1214Islamic thought2FOURTH
5GEOG1211Geography of palestine & arab world2FOURTH
Total Hours10 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-B)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1BIOL1200Public Health2THIRD
2CHEM1200Environmental Studies2THIRD
3PHYS1225Sciences in our life2THIRD
4TECH1234Technology & society2THIRD
5TECH1222General Safety2THIRD
Total Hours10 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-C)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1BUSA1231leadership & administration2SECOND
2LAW1232Law culture & human rights2SECOND
3HEBR1200Hebrew Language2SECOND
4MEDI1200Public Relations and Communications ( except Mass media studants )2SECOND
5SOCI1234Family life2SECOND
Total Hours10 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / Faculty Elective Courses (Group-A)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1FRAN1200Introduction to French2FIRST
2SOCI1210Palestinian Local Society2FIRST
3LIBR1218Marketing Information & Society2FIRST
4ISLM2210Sunna in Contemporary Studies2SECOND
Total Hours8 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / Faculty Elective Courses (Group-B)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1SOCI1201Arab Society2FIRST
2ARAB1201Popular Literature2FIRST
3ISLM1211Islamic System2FIRST
4HIST2215Archaeology of Palestine2SECOND
Total Hours8 Hour Required Hours4 Hour