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Department study plan

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study plan آخر تحديث 3/17/2025 8:47:53 PM


Subject Type / Department Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1HIST1315History of Umayyad State3FIRST
2HIST1317History of Ancients Near East3FIRST
3HIST1311History of Arabs Before Islam3FIRST
4HIST1312History of Prophet's Mission and guided caliphs3FIRST
5HIST1321History of Greeks & Romans3FIRST
6HIST1235Historical Methods of Reserch2FIRST
7HIST2240Contemporary Arab issues2SECOND
8HIST2220History of Architecture & Islamic Archaeology2SECOND
9HIST2313Contemporary & Modern of Palestine History3SECOND
10HIST2213History of Arab and Islamic Civilization2SECOND
11HIST2315History of the Abbasid State3SECOND
12HIST2219History of Islamic Minorities2SECOND
13HIST2211Ancient & Middle History of Palestine2SECOND
14HIST2311History of Europe in Medieval Ages3SECOND
15HIST3321History of Fatimid State3THIRD
16HIST3227Contemporary& Modern History of Arabs ( in West )2THIRD
17HIST3322History of Morocco & Andalus3THIRD
18HIST3215History of Islamic Sects2THIRD
19HIST3332History of the Americans3THIRD
20HIST3311History of the Crusades3THIRD
21HIST3226Contemporary& Modern History of Arabs (in East)2THIRD
22HIST4210History of Mamlouks2FOURTH
23HIST4313History of International Relations3FOURTH
24HIST4354History Texts in English Language3FOURTH
25HIST4324History of Ottoman State3FOURTH
26HIST4212A Special seminar in History2FOURTH
27HIST4330Contemporary& Modern History of Europe3FOURTH
28HIST4317History of Jews & Zionist Movement3FOURTH
Total Hours73 Hour Required Hours73 Hour
Subject Type / Department Elective Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1HIST3324History of Islamic Diplomacy3THIRD
2HIST4319Recent history of the Republic of Turkey3FOURTH
3HIST4336Egypt and Sudan's modern history3FOURTH
4HIST4316 Contemporary & History of modern Asia3FOURTH
Total Hours12 Hour Required Hours9 Hour
Subject Type / University Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1HIST1201The Palestinian Case2FIRST
2ARAB1206Arabic 12FIRST
3ISLM1201Holy Quran2FIRST
4ENGL1207English 12SECOND
5ISLM1204Islamic creed2FOURTH
6ITCS1201Computer and Internet2FOURTH
Total Hours12 Hour Required Hours12 Hour
Subject Type / Faculty Elective Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1LIBR1218Marketing Information & Society2FIRST
2ARAB1201Popular Literature2FIRST
3GEOG1212Arab World Geography2FIRST
4HIST2202History of Bait Al-Maqdis2SECOND
5ENGL2251English Language 22SECOND
6ISLM2210Sunna in Contemporary Studies2SECOND
7SOCI3201social responsibility2THIRD
8FRAN1200Introduction to French2FOURTH
Total Hours16 Hour Required Hours8 Hour
Subject Type / Faculty Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1SOCI1202Introduction to Sociology2FIRST
2GEOG1217Political Geography2FIRST
3LIBR1223Library skills2FIRST
4ARAB2201Linguistic and Literary Skills2SECOND
5ISLM3208Jurisprudence of Islamic2THIRD
Total Hours10 Hour Required Hours10 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-A)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ARTE1202Palestinian folklore2FIRST
2SOCI1204Palestinian society problems2SECOND
3GEOG1202Geography of Palestine2SECOND
4ISLM1202Biography of the Prophet mohammed2THIRD
5ARAB1217Palestinian Literature2THIRD
6ISLM1215Modern Jurisprudence issues2FOURTH
7LAW1232Law culture & human rights2FOURTH
Total Hours14 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-B)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1SPOR1201Culture in Sports Sciences2FIRST
2RATV1200Media & Society2FIRST
3EDUC2266E-learning and its applications2SECOND
4BUSA1200Leadership & Entrepreneurship Skills2THIRD
5PSYC1200Psychology and Life2THIRD
6LIBR1234Libraries and information sources2FOURTH
7EDUC1203Education and sustainable development2FOURTH
Total Hours14 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-C)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1PHYS1225Sciences in our life2FIRST
2JOUR1200Digital media and content creation2SECOND
3TECH1222General Safety2SECOND
5ITNM1200Cyberspace and information security2THIRD
6NURS1205Health and Diet2FOURTH
7CHEM1202Environmental Culture2FOURTH
Total Hours14 Hour Required Hours4 Hour