English Language | study plan


Department study plan

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study plan آخر تحديث 3/18/2025 2:37:47 PM


Subject Type / Department Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ENGL1325Reading 23FIRST
2ENGL1328Grammar (2)3FIRST
3ENGL1326Listening and Speaking 23FIRST
4ENGL1318Grammar (1)3FIRST
5ENGL1316Listening and Speaking 13FIRST
6ENGL1315Reading 13FIRST
7ENGL2339An Introduction to Language3SECOND
8ENGL2333An Introduction to Literature3SECOND
9ENGL2231Translation 12SECOND
10ENGL2317Writing 13SECOND
11ENGL2245Translation 22SECOND
12ENGL2348Phonetics and Phonology3SECOND
13ENGL2327Writing 23SECOND
14ENGL3318English for Specific Purposes3THIRD
15ENGL3344Short Story3THIRD
17ENGL3369Literary Criticism3THIRD
18ENGL3371Classic and Victorian Novel3THIRD
20ENGL3211Translation and Technology2THIRD
22ENGL4377Victorian and Modern Poetry3FOURTH
23ENGL4372American Literature3FOURTH
24ENGL4281Research project ( English )2FOURTH
25ENGL3356Classic and Renaissance Drama3FOURTH
26ENGL4357Classic and Romantic Poetry3FOURTH
Total Hours72 Hour Required Hours72 Hour
Subject Type / University Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ARAB1206Arabic 12FIRST
2ISLM1201Holy Quran2FIRST
3HIST1201The Palestinian Case2FIRST
4ENGL1207English 12SECOND
5ITCS1201Computer and Internet2FOURTH
6ISLM1204Islamic creed2FOURTH
Total Hours12 Hour Required Hours12 Hour
Subject Type / Faculty Elective Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1LIBR1218Marketing Information & Society2FIRST
2ARAB1201Popular Literature2FIRST
3GEOG1212Arab World Geography2FIRST
4HIST2202History of Bait Al-Maqdis2SECOND
5ENGL2251English Language 22SECOND
6ISLM2210Sunna in Contemporary Studies2SECOND
7SOCI3201social responsibility2THIRD
8FRAN1200Introduction to French2FOURTH
Total Hours16 Hour Required Hours8 Hour
Subject Type / Department Elective Courses (Group-A)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ENGL2346Grammar 33SECOND
2ENGL2376Advanced Reading3SECOND
3ENGL4317Editing and Proofreading3FOURTH
4ENGL4313Discourse Analysis3FOURTH
Total Hours12 Hour Required Hours6 Hour
Subject Type / Department Elective Courses (Group-B)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ENGL4381World Literature3FOURTH
2ENGL4319Modern Drama3FOURTH
3ENGL4318Postcolonial Literature3FOURTH
4ENGL4378Modern Novel3FOURTH
Total Hours12 Hour Required Hours6 Hour
Subject Type / Faculty Compulsory Courses
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1SOCI1202Introduction to Sociology2FIRST
2GEOG1217Political Geography2FIRST
3LIBR1223Library skills2FIRST
4ARAB2201Linguistic and Literary Skills2SECOND
5ISLM3208Jurisprudence of Islamic2THIRD
Total Hours10 Hour Required Hours10 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-A)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1ARTE1202Palestinian folklore2FIRST
2GEOG1202Geography of Palestine2SECOND
3SOCI1204Palestinian society problems2SECOND
4ARAB1217Palestinian Literature2THIRD
5ISLM1202Biography of the Prophet mohammed2THIRD
6ISLM1215Modern Jurisprudence issues2FOURTH
7LAW1232Law culture & human rights2FOURTH
Total Hours14 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-B)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1SPOR1201Culture in Sports Sciences2FIRST
2RATV1200Media & Society2FIRST
3EDUC2266E-learning and its applications2SECOND
4BUSA1200Leadership & Entrepreneurship Skills2THIRD
5PSYC1200Psychology and Life2THIRD
6LIBR1234Libraries and information sources2FOURTH
7EDUC1203Education and sustainable development2FOURTH
Total Hours14 Hour Required Hours4 Hour
Subject Type / University Elective Courses (Group-C)
#Subject No.Subject NameSubject DescriptionHLevel
1PHYS1225Sciences in our life2FIRST
2JOUR1200Digital media and content creation2SECOND
3TECH1222General Safety2SECOND
5ITNM1200Cyberspace and information security2THIRD
6NURS1205Health and Diet2FOURTH
7CHEM1202Environmental Culture2FOURTH
Total Hours14 Hour Required Hours4 Hour